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Black Ops Cold War SBMM makes owning a Netduma router a must


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I quit CoD after Bo3 but recently bought Cold War for PC just to try it out and sbmm literally ruins the game if I don't use the geo filter. Now I don't expect to get noob lobbies every game and I understand its not fair for me to stomp noobs all day long but being a 2 K/D player it just makes it impossible to play this game unless you own a Netduma router. The closest server within my region gives me constant 50ms ping and enabling the geo filter guarantees that I will only connect to this server and also get matched up with players of my skill level which I don't mind as my connection is good but once I turn off the filter I see myself connecting to far away servers in other regions with around 100-200ms ping and considering that the entire lobby is filled with tryhards, I don't think its fair for me or anyone else who has to deal with this bs.

I feel like owning a Netduma router is necessary for this game as the game totally becomes unplayable if you are a really skilled player and it prioritizes skill over connection which should never happen in a competitive multiplayer fps game. Sorry for the rant I just wanted to get my frustration out and wanted your opinions on this matter. Do you think that a Netduma router is necessary for this game?

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I could not play COD without the netduma , it does obviously give you options to fine tune your connection to help  you have a much better experience . The SBMM on CW is strange and in some ways predictable , I call it 4 on 2 off . What i mean is for me I have around 4 games where lets say I hold my own and actually do well and think yeah I am okay at this . Then 2 games of WTH where I think Sh7T i am really bad at this game ,...... very predictable . But what I will say is very rarely do lose a one on one and blame connection , I would say 90% of those loss gun fights is the other fella is simply better than me .  I could imagine if you played CW on a standard ISP router it would be very frustrating .

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On 2/5/2021 at 12:02 AM, BL4CK OPS V3TRN said:

 I could imagine if you played CW on a standard ISP router it would be very frustrating .

That is what my point is right there, anyone who doesn't own a netduma must be really having a hard time to get good lobbies, specially those people who only have one server within their region like me and I get like 2 games with a good connection at the start then it goes crazy and places me against the entire Optic roster across the globe. I don't know about the one on one gunfights but sometimes other people melt me in two or three shots while I stand there like an idiot after emptying half of my mag on them, its really frustrating and I am starting to believe that Activision patent thing might be true as most Youtubers are claiming. Not buying any other CoD ever again and I still have the original CoD4, it still has servers running with plenty of people on PC and that game is a million times better than this crap piece. 

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You are lucky you lag.

50 60 ms right in the avg to gain lag comp. I get 17ms to my closest servers but my region central usa gets to baby sit the spanish speaking countries below us, so my 17 ms doesnt mean Jack shit. Low ping is a disadvantage and anyone with twice your latency will annihilate you due to sbmm.

Connection is king

But the lagger gets to wear the crown.

The only way this router helps you is by enabling you to be the lagger.

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