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IPTV - bridging lowers internet speeds

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In order for my IPTV to work I have to bridge to that port. But when I do so, and the IPTV works perfectly, the download/upload speeds are horrific - 50-60% less than normal.

They are completely fine without the bridge settings. Is there a solution to this or a workaround?


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That's an interesting one actually, sounds like it is actually routing a lot of traffic to that port. Is it possible to have it connected to your ISP router instead? It is unlikely to take up much bandwidth and so shouldn't negatively affect the connection too much.

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10 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

That's an interesting one actually, sounds like it is actually routing a lot of traffic to that port. Is it possible to have it connected to your ISP router instead? It is unlikely to take up much bandwidth and so shouldn't negatively affect the connection too much.

Thanks for the response Fraser!
I am not worried about it taking any traffic. The ISP is not one I want to talk to. The whole problem is that their router is faulty so I don't want to use it at all, and I am sure they won't want to replace it.

And I don't think the IPTV setbox is actually taking this much traffic - it usually takes about 8MBits. It is definitely either the hardware or the OS of the router.

I've looked at other threads about this. Is this actually a problem with NetDuma?

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Just now, Netduma Fraser said:

If that's the case it shouldn't really impact anything else. Are you using QoS at all? If you disable that fully do you get expected speeds?

It's disabled from the menu, I ticked the option, but the speeds are still low 40-50mbps instead of 94 if not bridged.

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There wasn't anything in it telling me the speed. It just said "applying settings" and redirected me back after a while.

But I can tell you that from the nighthawk app on my phone (I use the speed test thingy there) I am getting the correct speeds when I don't use the bridge option and I do get like half of that when I use bridging.

Also - just using bridge on a port alone makes that happening, I don't even have to have a cable plugged into it, if that helps.

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Sorry but this is a nightmare for me! I just had to restart it by the hardware button this time. So nvm, back to it:

So I did both these settings in WAN but it was the same.


This is how I do the Bridge. I can't get it to work at all by using "By VLAN tag group".

What is interesting is now taht even with the bridge I am getting 75-80mbps for both DL and UP.

So what's really weird is how the speeds move hand by hand depending on the bridge settings - 94/94 when turned off and 75-80/75-80 when on.

And btw - ticking and unticking "Disable port and dos protection" resets the VLAN / Bridge Settings.

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@Netduma Fraser, I have a workaround. I had a switch laying around, tp-link, unmanaged one. Plugged internet cable in port 1, cable to XR300 in 2 and cable to IPTV box in 3. They all work, I removed the bridge and I get the good speeds and good television.
Why does this work I don't know. I think I have to dig a bit into unmanaged switches and read more on this.

In any case, I don't think this setup is any different to having the internet cable directly into the XR300, right?

Edit: I read and I don't understand why this works perfectly. Everybody says ISP gives one IP address (which is correct in my case), so why I can plug the cable into port 1 and use port 2 for XR300 and port 3 for the IPTV box. 🤔🤨

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That did help thank you, I believe is either 101 or 3 for the IPTV. The reason that worked is because the IPTV is connected direct to the ISP router for all intents and purposes so that has the settings applied already to handle it. It should be fine that way as it shouldn't cause much bandwidth problems. Just be aware that when it is in use QoS may not work as effectively.

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4 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

That did help thank you, I believe is either 101 or 3 for the IPTV. The reason that worked is because the IPTV is connected direct to the ISP router for all intents and purposes so that has the settings applied already to handle it. It should be fine that way as it shouldn't cause much bandwidth problems. Just be aware that when it is in use QoS may not work as effectively.

Yeah but because it can't catch the iptv traffic, right? And I don't want it to. Btw it's not the isp hardware, it's just a switch I have at home, the internet cable is directly in it now so no ISP hardware at all, that's why I am a bit surprised. I will try the tagging tomorrow. You are the man Fraser! Thanks. Will keep you updated so we can close this one.

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Yeah the XR won't be able to interact with that traffic at all. Ah I see, they must have the capability to assign the correct settings for that traffic. You're very welcome, you found a workaround though! If the tags work though that would be good, look forward to an update!

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The tagging didn't work with these values.

All in all - I don't think the XR even needs to interact with the IPTV in any case. It's not practical to me at all to have a router that limits your TV, what's the point.

It's just a mere 8-10mbps traffic from 94mbps in this case so there is no way this affects gaming at all, especially if you can set up QoS for the console for example on 70% of 90 mbps for example. Anyways, I have like 3 devices at home and we are just two of us.

I will read more about the setup I made here cus it's still a bit foggy to me, but I think we can close this one if you don't have any other worries for me.

tl;dr: I put a switch in front of XR and IPTV, so:

Internet Cable => Switch port1
Switch port 2 => XR300 WAN port

Switch port 3 => IPTV Box

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Thanks for trying that, thankfully you've got another solution and you're right, realistically it shouldn't affect your gaming experience too much - I assume when it is being watched you may not even be playing every time either. That sounds good, thanks for posting your solution and hopefully we can get on NG to sort this out. I'll close the topic now, any other questions/issues feel free to make a new topic and we'll be happy to help.

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