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GeoFilter Re-Sizing or auto ping override

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The Geo-Filter map is so large that you have to scroll down to check the host auto ping, then in order to select a ping, you need to scroll back up and de-select auto ping host, select the ping you want and then name, allow or deny, then go back UP to the options and auto ping the host. 


This can be fixed by either allowing us to resize the map so it doesnt take up the entire screen, or allowing an auto-ping host override where it will auto ping the host, but then any additional clicks will bring up the selected host.

Does anyone else get affected by the enormous size of the geo filter map?

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18 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

What device are you doing this on and can you provide a screenshot please? It shouldn't be that big that you have to scroll endlessly on most devices. You could also zoom out on the web browser itself.

This is via web browser at 100%:



I Hadnt thought about zooming the browser out. thats a great temporary fix!


i think the biggest issue is when trying to scroll back up via mouse wheel, it automatically zooms in on the map, or zooms out if youre trying to scroll down. just makes it frustrating IMO

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That's actually the normal way it looks. I get what you mean though, people have asked for a zoom lock so they can scroll the page down. Might be better to do what we've done for heatmap and provide a button that puts the page down. We do have it on our list so will have some solution.

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