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xr1000 ping under load (D) score

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Doing some testing as I just purchased this router and I'm having worse results than my old Asus RT-AC86U which is disappointing. My biggest concern at this point is running the connection benchmark test I can not get a score higher than (D). I have run Auto setup on congestion control and I have manually tested these settings as well and can not receive a higher score. Since changing the router Black Ops cold war has random freezing during the game which never occurred before. I have to assume this is the cause however cannot seem to find a solution. Also when I go to geo filtering it tells me call of duty pc only version cannot filter ( this is the whole reason I purchased the router) I can select call of duty just not the pc only version and I wonder if this is adding to the problem. Looking for some solid advice moving forward as I'm debating now if this was a good purchase.


edit: I'm running the Most Current Firmware XR1000



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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Which part of benchmark specifically is giving you a D result?

In the Device Manager give your PC the PlayStation device type and then re-add to the Geo-Filter and select the manual option, that will allow you to filter it and you don't need to change the service for any other games.

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The ping under load is giving a (D) literally I bought this to improve my experience but so far my KD is dropping seems as though I'm getting worse connection and it appears to be these freezes and spikes. Hopefully I can get it sorted out, otherwise it might just make sense to return it.


also in device manager it keeps showing my pc as offline when it is indeed online and hooked up to the #1 ethernet spot. Upnp was able to give me an open Nat briefly last night but also that has stopped working. seems this router is striking out :((


I have just done what you suggested and I removed any allowed and blocked servers to give it a fresh start. I will report back shortly. (this will have no effect on the ping under load though so I'm not sure it will help)



EDIT: so far i have been disconnected from the game 3 times after making these changes "connection to blizzard service lost"


EDIT 2: 20kills 3 deaths mid game connection interrupted and then crash connection lost to servers. super frustrating I cant complete one game.

EDIT 3: After Factory reset it still shows my pc as offline when it is in fact ONLINE. Ping under load test still returns as (D) highest score I can achieve. Doesnt appear to have helped any by doing Factory Reset.

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We're improving that reading at the moment as it is giving a higher than expected result currently so that won't be what your connection is actually like. If a device goes offline because it's not transmitting any traffic then it will appear offline until traffic is passed again. In WAN Settings change NAT to Open. What is the game you're playing specifically? 

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First off, Appreciate your timely help, Thank you Brother!


Game: Call Of Duty - Black ops Cold War

Computers: 3

Info: This is exclusively the game these 3 computers play. Most commonly all computers partied up and playing together on multiplayer.

Side note: In wan settings NAT filtering was set to secured. however I did change this last night with no success. I will report back if it works now after the reset.


EDIT 1: I did just have one successful game 41-10. after that i was disconnected from the server. additionally turning Nat Filtering to OPEN and having UpNp On did not result in an open NAT it is still listed as moderate after restarting the game. will try a system reboot as well to see. 

EDIT 2: After System Reboot Nat is still moderate. Also Last night I Disabled upnp briefly and enabled port forwarding and forwarded the ports manually which did not work. I will try this again now seems how i have since done a reset.

EDIT 3: Manually Port Forwarding port 3074 tcp/udp also does not result in open NAT Which is all that was needed on my past 2 routers :(



Another Side note: Updated to this router for 2 reasons really. Geo Filtering and the fact that I play the same game on 3 comps at the same time. It always appeared in the past like 1 computer each match would seem to be getting a better connecting. I would assume this is because its hogging the connection. all my attempts at QoS never seemed to resolve this issue. is there anything in particular regarding this that you could advise me on to make the experience better?

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You're very welcome!

What is the XR plugged into exactly, a pure modem (no wifi) or a modem/router (wifi) and if the latter how is that setup to pass traffic straight through to the XR? 

The Geo-Filter can cause a misreading on the game, only because it may block the server they test for NAT so if you disable this it may then appear open. When you get kicked from a game do you notice anything blocked on the map? You would have to look quickly as it would disappear fast.

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I tried the disabling geo filter option on game startup and did not see any difference. I do now see in the portmap upnp that 3074 to my ip is listed.

The router plugs in directly to a modem which sits right next to it. strictly a modem no wifi. ISP is spectrum


edit 1: Tried disabling geo filter on start of game again to receive open NAT and still this was unsuccessful .

edit 2: One of my computers NAT is now "strict" which I have never seen before

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5 hours ago, cloc562oc said:

Doing some testing as I just purchased this router and I'm having worse results than my old Asus RT-AC86U which is disappointing. My biggest concern at this point is running the connection benchmark test I can not get a score higher than (D). I have run Auto setup on congestion control and I have manually tested these settings as well and can not receive a higher score. Since changing the router Black Ops cold war has random freezing during the game which never occurred before. I have to assume this is the cause however cannot seem to find a solution. Also when I go to geo filtering it tells me call of duty pc only version cannot filter ( this is the whole reason I purchased the router) I can select call of duty just not the pc only version and I wonder if this is adding to the problem. Looking for some solid advice moving forward as I'm debating now if this was a good purchase.


edit: I'm running the Most Current Firmware XR1000



There is a newer Firmware in the latest firmwares. I just bought a used xr1000 had first the same problem after update to im gettin now overall A+. 

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when I go to settings>administration>router update and run check for new firmware it scans and says I have the current version.


Edit 1: I just saw your link let me try that.

Edit 2: Thank You e32iL that did fix the (D) score! Now I'm off to see if it solved any of the other issues!

Edit 3: Did not fix the issue with NAT unfortunately :(

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9 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Did you do a factory reset after the upgrade?

Depending on what your modem model actually is it might have QoS enabled, could you access the interface and see if there is anything there you can disable like this?

I did do a factory reset however after the reset my setting remain.

under QoS in the Bandwidth Allocation area I have it set to "By Device" and essentially it gives the majority of the bandwidth to the 3 computers I game with

additionally traffic prioritization is on by default when I got the router and is set to prioritize all game traffic. 

Note that I have disable the traffic prioritization to see if that resolved the NAT issue and it did not.


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3 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Okay I think you may need to port forward for each device, 3074 for one, 3075 for another, 3076 for a third. That is actually what CoD recommends to get open NAT with several devices so see if that helps.

yes I have tried manually opening the ports as well. for some reason with this router I can not achieve open NAT on even 1 computer. Hooking up my old router I can achieve it simply by forwarding ports. I don't get it.

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When you port forward on the old router, are you port forwarding in the exact same way you would on the XR?

Have you got Armor enabled? That could be affecting it. Check on the Nighthawk app and you can disable it from settings if it's enabled, then reboot the router.

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