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Destiny 2: Errors with the geofilter activated


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Hi, I have a nighthawk rx500, it has been for some days that on destiny 2 every time I activate the geofilter, every time I enter a rabbit error lobby (I have kept the router for at least 6 months and until now it had never given me problems) . I would like to point out that even before these errors, after the release of the XR500 V2.3.2.66 they started to have problems with xbox live parties. I wanted to know from any of you if they have the same problem, both with destiny 2 and with xbox live parties (having the geofilter enabled). I play Xbox series X. Thanks

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  On 12/26/2020 at 1:02 AM, ktaylor2 said:

Im having problems with the XR300 as well. I get silently kicked from parties. No notice, just silence and Im out of the party. And yes. I have my friends whitelisted.


Are they the party leader and you have your filter enabled? If so that's likely why, if you become the leader do you get kicked as much?

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  On 12/28/2020 at 7:41 PM, ktaylor2 said:

Ok I will give that a try. My questionis though. With strict mode off, will it still filter the out of area contacts?


It will still filter yes but it will be less restrictive. As it's Hybrid Server/P2P you need a connection to a server to play so you may see a server outside the radius from time to time but they will be close by.

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