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Geo-Filter and Destiny 2 - Beyond Light odd behavior

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So my gameplay as of the drop of Destiny 2 Beyond light has been a little buggy in regards to lag issues. I am guessing Destiny must have change netcodes or something to make this happen.  So what I have determined is the while my xbox is added to my devices in my geo-filer my gameplay is laggy and when I removed it my gameplay is normal.

I verified this with doing private pvp lobbies with friends to test out my findings and as soon as I joined the lobby the lag would start to be noticed ( for me and other players teleporting ).  Also I ran a xbox test to verify my ping was good and no packet loss was happening and also running ping test from outside the the xbox all network flows are fine and normal.

Never had this issues prior to beyond light but just maybe a coincidence though.


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Hey Bmann,

Thanks for posting this, we are aware of some issues with the Destiny servers and Geo-filter. 

We are working to update this such that they're fully supported, but until then, this would probably explain the lag you're experiencing.

In the meantime, I'd suggest continuing not to filter Destiny traffic.

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