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Can't port forward


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im trying to open my nat on cold war for PC

If i try to open the ports i get this error 


RPC error 'ERROR_UNKNOWN': bad argument #1 to 'gmatch' (string expected, got nil) -> stack traceback: ?: in function <?:73> [C]: in function 'gmatch' ?: in function 'split' ?: in function '?' ?: in function '?' ?: in function <?:387> ?: in function <?:382> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ?: in function 'try' ?: in function <?:346> [C]: in function 'run' ?: in function <?:405> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ?: in function 'try' ?: in function <?:263> (tail call): ? ?: in function <?:30> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ?: in main chunk [C]: ?


My R2 is in the DMZ on my modem, i get a open nat on ps5, but moderate on PC

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