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PS4 Internet Speed is Low


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@Netduma Fraser I was able to figure out how to get into a game much quicker. To get an Open NAT type the last thing I had to do was go into my ISP settings then enter my WAN IP Address and restart my PS4. It's now showing correctly and they put me in games much quicker. 

Do you know what could be the cause of the coordinates in the game being much different than what other people see/experience? I posted pictures up above. That was one of the main reasons I bought the router. 

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@Netduma Fraser I have fixed the issues with the servers and hit marker delays. The last thing I am trying to fix is the connection speed. Can you give me a list of things I can do to speed up my connection? When I connect my computer to my router via the ethernet cable and run the speed test it gives me a speed of around 130 mbps although I'm paying for 500 mbps. Can you give me an itemized list of settings I can change in my portal?

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I assume you're using QoS, which if you are that will throttle your speeds so if you don't want that when you're not gaming select Auto Enable on Congestion Control.

General tips for full speed:

  • Enter expected/tested speeds you get from modem
  • Put Congestion Control on Never
  • Ensure Share Excess is enabled for Bandwidth Allocation
  • Remove any manual rules from Traffic Prioritization
  • Don't have any devices connected upstream of the R2 e.g. ISP router (WiFi devices) > R2 (wired devices) should be ISP router (No devices) > R2 (all devices)
  • Use Ethernet to test
  • Use speedtest.net and select closest server
  • If you don't get full speeds then disable QoS from the Congestion Control 3 line option menu.
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  • 8 months later...

Hello everyone,
No one covered one extremely important aspect: PS4 is very sensitive with cable length.
It was really frustrating to see my PS4 getting always under 100Mbps for internet speed test (usually 70-95 Mbps) despite I have a bandwidth of 500Mb and a 1Gb router.
The speed was always OK on my PC , but not on PS4.
Everything changed when I used a shorter LAN cable and now I get 400-500MBps. This definitely is not happening on PCs, is just about the PS4 network card which is sensitive.
My initial LAN  cable had about 7-8m (which is short enough for networking) and the second one is ~3m long and is the cable which finally provides normal speed.
I discovered this when I moved data from one PS4 to a PS4 PRO, and the PS4 PRO was connected with a shorter LAN cable. Initially I thought that the PS4 PRO has a "true" 1Gb port, but that wasn't the case, as the cable length proved to be the real issue. I was also shortening the the first cable, to see if the speed decreases and it did, I was getting ~115MB/s with a ~5,5 m long cable so I did by best to have the shortest cable connected. Works just fine both on PS4 and PS4 PRO.
Nothing usefully found on the internet, just DNS stories, which can improve a bit the speed.
Hopefully my findings will help many of you.
At least my son is very satisfied after he downloaded a game of 25GB in about 10 minutes (~40MB/s).


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