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Internet Speed drops when I watch Netflix

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Normally my Internet Speed with Wi-Fi in my room is about 300-400 megabits/s. Somehow, when I watch Netflix on my TV and I do a speedtest on my phone, the speed drops to 50 megabits/s. When I stop the Netflix Stream, the speed immediately goes up to 300-400 megabits/s. (See screenshots).

Why does that happen? It is impossible, that a Netflix stream takes so much Internet Speed. On the Network Monitoring of Duma OS my Samsung TV is only consuming about 0.20 Megabits/s when the Netflix stream loaded. Yet the Speedtest on my phone shows a speed of 50 megabits/s.

I have QoS on, with Bufferbloat upload and download at 70%, only when high traffic is detected. Share Excess is also on. My PS4 is the prioritized device, but I don‘t watch Netflix through my PS4. I watch Netflix through my Samsung TV.

I have the latest firmware of Duma 2.0 installed.

Same thing happens when I watch something on Disney+. It‘s funny that the moment I click on „Pause“ the speed immediately goes back to 300/400 megabits/s. I have both my phone and my Samsung TV connected to the 5 GHZ Network. I don‘t have Smart Connect on.



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30 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Use the Network Monitor to see what is using your bandwidth, then you will be able to tell.

That‘s the problem, there are no devices that show up that use too much bandwidth. It is so weird. When I play a game on PS4 or I download a game on PS4 the internet speed doesn‘t drop that much.

Here‘s what‘s even weirder: I just did the same test again. Multiple Speedtests while I watch a Netflix stream. Then I paused the stream and did some other Speedtests. Suddenly in both occasions the internet speed didn‘t drop at all:

While Streaming and while pressing pause I had both times around 490 Megabits/s.

I really wonder why suddenly my speed isn‘t dropping anymore. Apparently sometimes it drops and sometimes it doesn‘t. 





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4 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

That is odd, may have been the ISP applying some limitations when watching, their version of QoS perhaps. If it happens again would be worth asking them.

That might be. I know, there are no QoS Settings in the ISP Modem, but who knows. I use the ISP Modem in Bridge Mode to connect to the Netgear Nighthawk XR500. So, you think it has nothing to do with my QoS Settings on Duma OS?

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Is the Samsung TV connected via WLAN as well?

Do an isolation test by running netflix and then running a speed test plugged into the ethernet ports on the XR500.

What is the TV model number?

My guess is that the TV is forcing the WLAN data rate down to a lower spec either within the AC data rates or a full drop down of protocol to 802.11N.




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8 hours ago, nb2k said:

Is the Samsung TV connected via WLAN as well?

Do an isolation test by running netflix and then running a speed test plugged into the ethernet ports on the XR500.

What is the TV model number?

My guess is that the TV is forcing the WLAN data rate down to a lower spec either within the AC data rates or a full drop down of protocol to 802.11N.




Unfortunately, there is no way I can test this with LAN. The Router is in another room than my TV is. 

So yeah, my Samsung TV is connected via WLAN. 

Model Number: Samsung QE55Q7FN (Year 2018). So the TV is a High End TV and pretty new.

I don't have any LAN Ports in my room, but soon I will have (in about 3-4 Weeks).

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16 hours ago, Juventino24 said:

That might be. I know, there are no QoS Settings in the ISP Modem, but who knows. I use the ISP Modem in Bridge Mode to connect to the Netgear Nighthawk XR500. So, you think it has nothing to do with my QoS Settings on Duma OS?

I don't think so, I can't see why that much bandwidth would be held up and then suddenly it all works correctly so I don't think it is anything to do with QoS or any of our specific settings.

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

I don't think so, I can't see why that much bandwidth would be held up and then suddenly it all works correctly so I don't think it is anything to do with QoS or any of our specific settings.

So I called my ISP and they told me, they don‘t have any QoS settings in general. Basically, the ISP Modem only „transfers“ the internet connection to my Netgear Nighthawk XR500. The rest is done by my Netgear XR500 Router. So there is nothing, they can do. I really do wonder, if this issue persists, when I will be able to use LAN in my room. This issue is so strange.

Question: If I do any changes to my QoS settings (for example Anti Buffetbloat), do I have to restart my Router so the new settings will be used? Or are the new settings being used instantly?

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Okay so we can rule that out then, that is good. May have just been a weird fluke. No you don't need to reboot to save any changed settings, they will either change instantly or if there is a save/apply button then press that and it will save.

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Okay so we can rule that out then, that is good. May have just been a weird fluke. No you don't need to reboot to save any changed settings, they will either change instantly or if there is a save/apply button then press that and it will save.

It just happened again. I watched Netflix and at the same time I did a speedtest, only getting around 70 mbit/s. Then, I stopped the stream and I got 461 megabits/s.

Below, you will also find a video, where I start a speedtest while streaming Netflix. You can see how the speed drops to around 50 megabits/s. In the middle of the speedtest, I pause the stream and you can see how it immediately goes up to around 220 megabits/s. 

But same as yesterday, after about 30 Minutes, the issue doesn‘t occure anymore. I really have no idea why that happens.



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1 minute ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Are ALL devices connected to the XR? There must be something taking the bandwidth away.

Well some Devices are offline, the ones that I don't use. But all the devices I use are connected to the XR, especially my Samsung Smart TV, which I use to watch Netflix. On the Network Monitoring tho, I don't see any devices taking the bandwidth away, even when I watch Netflix.

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18 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

What is your exact physical setup?

Well I have one ISP Modem and the Netgear XR500 Router. The ISP Modem is connected via a yellow LAN Cable, which was included in the Netgear Nighthawk Box to a LAN Port of the Netgear Router. The ISP Modem works in Bridge mode, so my internet connection comes from my Netgear XR500 Router.

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9 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Just to clarify, the ISP modem is connected to a LAN port on the XR? It should be connected to the Internet port of the XR which is yellow - is that how it is connected?

Correct. I just tested again and the issue is still here. In the network monitoring you can see, that no devices are consuming a lot of bandwidth. My Samsung TV is only consuming 0.5 Mbit/s when I am streaming Netflix on it. Yet, when I do a speedtest while streaming Netflix, the internet speed drops from around 300-400 Mbit/s to 50-100 Mbit/s. The moment I pause the stream, the internet speed goes up again.


Here‘s what‘s even weirder tho: I was watching normal Cable TV. To watch it you don‘t need an internet connection. So I did a speedtest, while watching normal Cable TV and the same issue appeared even there! My internet speed dropped.

So then, I turned my TV completely off and the internet speed was normal again (300-400 mbits/s)

As soon as I turned the TV back on, the internet speed dropped again to 50-70 mbits/s.

Then, I reset the network settings on my TV and tried using it without internet connection. Same issue again, the internet connection dropped, even without connecting the Samsung TV to the internet. As soon as I turned off the TV, the internet connection was good again.

After about 15-30 minutes, my internet connection didn‘t drop anymore, even while watching Netflix.

I seriously can‘t understand, why this problem occurs. It is so weird!


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I'm feeling like this may be a coincidence regarding when it drops, as you said, not much bandwidth is being used so no need to it to drop. Could you test direct to the ISP modem/router and see if you see the same behavior? 

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9 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

I'm feeling like this may be a coincidence regarding when it drops, as you said, not much bandwidth is being used so no need to it to drop. Could you test direct to the ISP modem/router and see if you see the same behavior? 

There is no way I can test this at the moment via LAN, because the ISP Modem is in another room than my TV is. I will be able to use LAN ina few weeks. Plus, I get my internet from the Netgear Router and not from my ISP Modem, since the ISP Modem is in bridge mode.

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The modem provides internet to the router so if for some reason the modem or the ISP is limiting the speeds during these brief periods then you'll be able to tell by connecting directly to the modem. If you take it out of bridge mode you could try with its' WiFi instead.

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2 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

The modem provides internet to the router so if for some reason the modem or the ISP is limiting the speeds during these brief periods then you'll be able to tell by connecting directly to the modem. If you take it out of bridge mode you could try with its' WiFi instead.

So this is what I did:

I turned my TV on and I did a Speedtest on my iPhone and on my Laptop at the same time. Both devices were in the same room. The iPhone showed a speed of 40 mbits/s. The laptop showed a speed of 300 mbits/s. Both connected to the 5 Ghz Wi-Fi.

Then, I connected my Laptop to a LAN Port of my ISP Modem. On the iPhone I had around 150 megabits/s with Wi-Fi and on the Laptop connected via LAN I had 330 megabits/s. Same result when I connect my Laptop on a LAN Port of the Netgear Router.

Could it be, that I am not losing any bandwidth in reality, even tho my iPhone shows that in the speedtest?

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19 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

It's certainly possible, I wonder if you did a download at the time when the speed is perceived to be lower whether it would actually run at full speeds.

I didn‘t. But here‘s the thing. I just did another Speedtest on my iPhone, while I was streaming Netflix. My speed was around 124 Megabits/s. 

Right after that I did another Speedtest, but this time on the Netgear Nighthawk iOS App. There, the speed was 938 Megabits/s! 

Why is the Internet speed so much higher in the Nighthawk app? 

Below, you‘ll find 2 videos of both Speedtests.


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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Probably because it is optimized for the speed test within the app and not restricted by the web browser

So that basically shows that it is a coincidence, that the internet speed drops on my iPhone right?

Here‘s what‘s funny: When I do the Speedtwst in the official Ookla Speedtest app, I get around 60 megabits/s, while streaming on Netflix. When I do the Speedtest on the official website of Ookla Speedtest with the Safari browser on my iPhone, I have a speed of 300 Megabits/s while streaming on Netflix.

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