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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Hey, welcome to the forum!

What happens exactly when you try to add it? So you tried both uploading a physical file and using that URL?

Hey! The router will hang and then restart itself or I'll get a random error.

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11 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Could you reproduce it please and take a screenshot of the error?

When uploading https://block.energized.pro/ultimate/formats/domains.txt as a file the window will close after a while then the device will reboot two times.

When using https://block.energized.pro/ultimate/formats/domains.txt as a link the following error will display and then the device will reboot.

RPC error 'ERROR_CMDFAIL': could not download list


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I think you're on to something there. If you try to even load those first two links in a browser it takes a very long time to finish loading, it is probably overwhelming the router with its size and how long it takes to download. The 3rd link loads fast in a browser and so the router can handle it. I will make an internal ticket for this though based on those two things there may be no way around getting a file that size applied.

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