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Netduma R2 may be making it worse


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While I am having issues with my ISP that they can't seem to detect, I was wondering if the Netduma was helping these issues get worse.



So I went to DSLReports.com and ran 6 tests.

3 hardwired into my modem, and 3 hardwired into my Netduma R2.

I turned off anything that could affect speeds and traffic etc

Qos disabled 

Set to "never"

Bandwidth cursor set to 100% both download and upload.

These are my results. Im not sure i like what I see



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If you're going to try that then disable QoS fully from the Congestion Control 3 line option menu as Traffic Prioritization can affect the test. Also if you're wired into your modem then nothing else will be using the internet/you'll be ahead of all of them so it makes sense the results differ. Just need to fine tune the Congestion Control to limit bufferbloat and you'll be good.

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Other devices will still do background updates etc. Can't actually see the bufferbloat results just the grades. With QoS disabled you will get bufferbloat that is why we advise that it is used so not sure why this is bad. What does benchmark give you?

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