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r2 and nighthawk issue

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So i have xfinity modem only>r2(connected only to my ps4 wired) >xr500 in ap mode using just for wireless..so just recently i have had to manually change anything that connects to xr500 wifis ip addresses to the 192.168.77 range because they wrre all failing to find ip..now today im looking in device manage and the xr500 keeps going online and offline every 60 seconds. tho my wifi stays connected theres no internet intermittently..wired and everything on r2 still works its just the xr500..i tried the 30 30 30 ..nothing ..cant log into the xr500 with routerlogin.net and just takes me to the r2..should i disable dhcp on the xr500?( if i can find a way to log into it) brcause my r2 is apllying my dhcp..thanx in advance

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When the XR is in AP mode DHCP is disabled and it will be like the devices are connected direct to the R2 and getting their IP from the R2. You should be able to access the XR using the IP the R2 has given it. I would suggest you disable Smart Connect on the XR and connect devices to 2.4/5GHz manually and that should resolve the disconnects.

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5 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Factory reset it, then when you go back to set the AP mode choose the option to give it a static IP instead, that should allow you to always access it after that.

ok so dont put it in ap? i already gave it a static ip on the r2 prior.

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