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QoS on PPPoE not prioritising


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I have just purchased the NetDumaR2 and I notice a couple of qos issues

1) I dont see any traffic being prioritised (Playing CoD warzone)

2) Auto setup for congestion control, prioritising ping, sets my download % to 0, which I would thing must be wrong.


Any advice would be appreciated.



PS. A UK power supply when being sold to the UK would be much better

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

  1. What console/device are you playing it on and how have you got Traffic Prioritization setup?
  2. The feature is a suggestion of settings to use, we need to do more improvements on it so that will come in future firmware - just adjust percentages manually for now.

Are you saying you got a different power adapter? Could you email us [email protected] please with your order number and explaining what happened please and we'll get that sorted for you.

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Hi Fraser,

Firstly, thank you for the lightning quick reply, really appreciated.

Answers to your questions

1) I'm playing on a PC connected directly to the router.  One thing that I now think I'm seeing is that it might not be an issue locally, therefore QoS wouldn't kick in (Even though I have congestion control set to always). I believe the latency I'm seeing, which made me think QoS wasn't working is actually Activision server response.  I can prove it by kicking off a big download on another device and kicking warzone off, that way I should see prioritised packets

2) Got it, no problem.  As long as you're aware this feature needs a little work, we're all good.

3) Perfect thank you.  I have an adapter in place at the moment, but it's less than ideal. Thanks.

Just a general comment.  The features this router have out of the box are market leading in my opinion.  Can't wait to see how the firmware and apps progress.  Would love to see a breakdown of traffic by type in the Network Monitor or historic data.

Keep up the great work.


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What I would suggest is disabling DumaOS Classified Games and adding the PC with the console service and then it should prioritize properly. Thanks a lot, really glad to hear that. In the Network Monitor if you click on the bars when there is traffic on Network Snapshot a pie chart will appear on the right with a breakdown. You can then click on a section of that chart and another breakdown chart will open. We've also got a Rapp - Data History in the works to add.

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