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Duma R2 and Destiny 2 - Console


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Hello all R2 D2 users!

I have noticed that there do not appear to be any default settings for Destiny 2 built into the geofilter for the R2. I have tried the polygon tool around a few of the servers but I keep getting 'beaver' errors when loading into the tower or patrol or any activity.

Has anyone got a setup working with D2 on console for the R2 that allows you to use Geo Filter without being beavered?

Thanks in advance!

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Your Polygons are likely fine but as they use a Hybrid matchmaking system you will need to disable Strict Mode in the Geo-Filter Map options. You may see servers outside your allowed areas but this is required to not get errors.

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13 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Your Polygons are likely fine but as they use a Hybrid matchmaking system you will need to disable Strict Mode in the Geo-Filter Map options. You may see servers outside your allowed areas but this is required to not get errors.

Perfect thank you!

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Your Polygons are likely fine but as they use a Hybrid matchmaking system you will need to disable Strict Mode in the Geo-Filter Map options. You may see servers outside your allowed areas but this is required to not get errors.

Hi Fraser, I've tried the polygon method but to no avail. I just get honeydew errors or when it's about to load into a game, it'll boot me back to orbit, most likely due to a player in the lobby being outside of my 'allowed' geo filter.

Am I right in thinking D2 is causing issues currently with the Geo Map Filtering? I remember when I used the feature in the early days of D2 on the R1 I would set my radius to be the UK and Europe and then would have to manually click on any servers that popped up and say 'Allow' (set them to 100%). You also provided some cloud settings for D2 servers which I can't see how to implement on the R2.

Is this an issue at the moment? Should I just leave the Geo Filter disabled for D2?

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Did you disable strict mode as this is required for Destiny. We do need to do more testing for the game on PC to make it more compatible so if you're still seeing that with strict off then would suggest disabling filtering mode for the moment.

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10 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Did you disable strict mode as this is required for Destiny. We do need to do more testing for the game on PC to make it more compatible so if you're still seeing that with strict off then would suggest disabling filtering mode for the moment.

I've disabled strict mode yep and I'm on PS4. I had a hybrid vpn enabled which I've disabled, and that appears to have improved things a bit. At the moment I've just drawn a long rectangle across europe and the UK over to North America, ha! Seems to be OK, just doesn't seem as reliable as it used to be.

I can imagine it's a nightmare for you guys, all I ever hear is how much of a crazy network architecture Bungie use for this game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

J’ai le même problème depuis mardi des que le filtrage est activé je suis éjecté de la tour des escouades quand je lance du PVP ça trouve 6/6 et ça reviens à 3/6 je ne comprends pas ce qu’il se passe on dirai que le mode strict est activé même lorsqu’il est décocher.. pouvez vous m’aider? 

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9 hours ago, Tribe12 said:

J’ai le même problème depuis mardi des que le filtrage est activé je suis éjecté de la tour des escouades quand je lance du PVP ça trouve 6/6 et ça reviens à 3/6 je ne comprends pas ce qu’il se passe on dirai que le mode strict est activé même lorsqu’il est décocher.. pouvez vous m’aider? 

Bonjour, bienvenue sur le forum! Voyez-vous quelque chose de bloqué sur le Geo-Filter lorsque vous êtes expulsé?
Hello, welcome to the forum! Do you see anything blocked on the Geo-Filter when you get kicked?

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Faites-vous un zoom arrière complet, car il devrait certainement y avoir quelque chose de bloqué si cela vous empêche d'obtenir un jeu.
Are you zoomed out fully as there definitely should be something blocked if it prevents you getting a game.

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j’ai l’impression que je strict reste activer même en le décochant nous sommes 3 a disposer du Xr 500 et avoir le même problème depuis mardi sur destiny.. 

l’un d’entre nous subit même des déconnexions en mode spectateur

merci d’avance pour votre aide 

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Pouvez-vous fournir une capture d'écran du Geo-Filter avec ce que vous voyez lorsque vous recherchez un jeu s'il vous plaît?
Can you provide a screenshot of the Geo-Filter with what you see when you're searching for a game please?

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