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UI load causing router to crash?


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Hi guys, 


A few times now when looking at the landing page for the router, I'm presented with an error stating the RApp is taking too long to load and to wait. Following on from this, ICMP test traffic to the router steadily increases in latency until full packet loss, followed by what I believe is a crash and reload.


I've attached the logs should this be of any use.


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Yeah you've got me there. That's certainly what it felt like. 


I wasn't near the device but chain of events went something like this:


1. Logged on UI, slow response

2. Error from UI

3. Ping trace to router, noticed high response and high spikes

4. Both response and spikes get higher and higher for a minute or so.

5. Full packet loss, loss of internet. No response to management. Lasted maybe 5 mins

6. Router comes back to life, all levels return to normal. Internet is good.


I actually assumed crash and reload based on the above.

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