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Hybrid VPN service selector advanced setting for certain program.

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I got nighthawk xr500 setup for the vpn HMA and it is working fine. I can get VPN service when its on setting of 'Do not VPN these services' but I want the VPN to work on certain service only. 

For the advanced setting, Im not too sure what to put in for source port and destination port. I know how to get the ports in use for the program. 
I am trying to get an access Korea STOVE server to play Lost Ark but not sure how to set VPN to only wrok when I open the client up. 
Ill put screenshots of the ports that I got so please help me setting this up.

A is when I connect STOVE without using VPN

K is when I connect STOVE with VPN on 


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I believe the destination refers to the ports going to your lan and source are the ports coming from the server. So whatever ports are listed after your IP and the colon mark  (ie; <--50672 would be the destinstion port) and source would be the server ip ports.

I get confused too, which is which, but you could try one, than if it doesn't work you could try the other way.

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For source ports:

Start: 1
End: 65535

Reason for this is you don't know what the source ports will be exactly. For Destination enter the Stove port number in both start and end, then select TCP/UDP if you're not sure which one it will be using.

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