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Cannot use an access point with this R2 router.


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I know very little about "networking" (I guess that's the right term) but I know just enough to get stuff working, except in this case. I previously was using a netgear nighthawk AC2100, and I'm a pretty big gamer so I bought the R2 naturally. I was using the QOS on the nighthawk, which is much different than the R2 QOS i'm guessing, and the access point i was using was working perfectly fine. I got the R2, set it all up and my access point continued to work with the newly installed R2 for about 3 hours then it just stopped. The access point is some cheap asus router with the ability to put it in access point mode. None of my wiring changed in the installation of the R2, I'm also using a netgear (non-gaming) switch if that matters, with all cat5e and cat 6 cables. I'm not sure why it wouldn't work besides the QOS. I can find the exact model of the asus router if need be. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

I would advise taking the Asus out of AP mode, allowing it to establish a proper connection in router mode and then switch back to AP mode again once that happens. Might be that it didn't properly switch over to the R2 handling DHCP well.

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I've tried that, but I didn't plug the asus into the modem to establish a connection if that's what you mean, but it's weird because I have an ethernet connection that runs through the wall from the frog, which is where the R2 is at, to the living room downstairs. And the roku device downstairs won't even work when directly plugged into that connection that goes directly to the R2 without using the asus. So I'm not sure what's going on at all now. I've had some time to do some process of elimination. And I think it may be a wiring issue which is weird because nothing changed with the install of the R2.

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Have you tried with some different ethernet cables to see if your theory is correct? Do you have a connection through the R2 WiFI? 

I tried different ethernet cables and it wasn't working, so I thought maybe it was the cable that's wired in the rj45 jack and I tested that and now it suddenly works, but i haven't tried setting the asus router back up to it because i haven't had time. I'll update when I have some time today. Thanks 

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