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Adblocker - Enable/Disable specific Device Issue


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When disabling a specific device, there is nothing to show (e.g. the Disable button does not change to Enable) that the adblocking for the device has been disabled, except that you notice that it is no longer showing any ads, tracking, etc. from being blocked.

Equally, I cannot see a way to re-enable Adblocking for a previously disabled device.

How do you re-enable adblocking for a specific device ?

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Yep...work around is working 😊

Do you have an update on when the new firmware will be released ?

I'm currently running R2 3.0.129 (I believe this was a hotfix RC candidate version)

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21 minutes ago, patnj said:

Yep...work around is working 😊

Do you have an update on when the new firmware will be released ?

I'm currently running R2 3.0.129 (I believe this was a hotfix RC candidate version)

Great to hear that! We're working with some users who have expressed some issues that we think everyone will benefit from receiving the fixes for so we're holding off slightly but I don't think it will be too long.

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