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R1+Spectrum issues


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No man.. doesn’t make sense. Doesn’t make sense I get less than what the % says I’ll get. Clearly the issue is the r1 like I said at the beginning of the post. With that being said, what router should I get ? R2 or xr300-500?

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I understand that, I just don't think it's capable of QoS at higher than those speeds that's why you can only get consistent speeds when QoS is disabled fully. That's entirely up to you, the XR series does have more powerful hardware but the R2 can handle those speeds with QoS and is optimized for DumaOS which means faster updates - a new update is due out next week for it and it's just been over a week since launch. If you were considering the XR series I'd suggest the XR500 over the XR300.

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  On 8/15/2020 at 3:45 PM, Mvrk said:

im considering both, i just cant make up my mind.. what does the xr500 have that the r2 doesnt?


More powerful hardware that's all. The R2 is solid hardware and will accommodate your speeds. It has 3.0 already and will get faster updates so is constantly improving.

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