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Netgear Night hawk xr700 speed issues

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Hey everyone, I got a Night Hawk XR700 a week ago and having speed issues through the lan port. I’m convinced it’s a hardware issue or a software issue because I did multiple tests and searched the whole internet for this unsolved problem. I have 100 speed using the lan port on the test is shows that but when I complete the setup my wired connections go from 100 to 10. My WiFi are normal though and work fine. I disabled QOS, and BUFFER BLOAT and tried different variations of this. I also want to mention that the setup page takes insanely long to load and took me 2 hours to setup. If any admin or anyone at this point help me could you take a couple mins out if your day to help out


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Hello and welcome to the forum.

Sorry to hear you are having this problem.

Is this happening with one wired device or multiple wired devices?

Have you tried different ethernet cables in case the current one is faulty?



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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Looks like you made a post over on the Netgear forum about this as well. If you don't mind lets continue the support here for ease, I've posted my response there here instead:

What is your exact physical setup?
Are all devices connected to the XR?
Do the LAN ports appear with Amber/orange lights on the router?
How did you disable QoS?

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Hey Fraser, 

Thanks for the help. 

My setup is My ISP modem > to XR700 > to  two Xbox's and a PC.

Just my main gaming equipment is connected through the LAN on the XR700

Yes the Lan ports do appear with amber/orange lights on the XR700

I disabled the Qos by logging into the router and going to the Qos tab and disabling it 

Also i continuously get this message when I login to the router 

"This R-App is not loaded yet, please try again in a minute."



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Thank you for the information, what category of ethernet cables do you have? Are they below Cat5e? 

So in the Anti-Bufferbloat 3 line icon?

Upgrade to this firmware and then do a factory reset, it should resolve the loading issues https://kb.netgear.com/000061714/XR700-Firmware-Version-1-0-1-24-Hot-Fix

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The cables I’m running to all my wired devices is cat 5e cables. 

Yes, in the 3 lines in the anti bufferbloat tab

thank you for the firmware update



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The speed tests always give me my normal speed through the wizard though. I get 100 download and 10 upload which is what I'm paying for. It's after the wizard I do not receive those speeds through the LAN cable. My speeds are fine though the WiFi and I'm receiving the full speeds.


- Jay

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Have you tried all available LAN ports? Could you try the same ethernet devices your using from router > devices to try with the modem > devices and see if you get your correct speeds please?

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The first 2 ports did not give strong speeds which what I was using the whole time. When I moved to the other 4 ports the speeds increased but I'm still not getting what I should be getting. It increased from 30 to 60. When I plugged my devices straight into my modem I received my 100 down and 10 Up like I am paying for. 


- Jay

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It can yes but in theory up to 100m in length this shouldn't be much of a concern. However, if you have quite a long cable then the more things that can affect the signal on the way e.g. radiators etc. If you have a shield ethernet cable then this would be less of a problem. Is the router quite far away from the modem/devices quite far from the router?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I do have a long cable because I didn't know how much length I needed because I was going to run these wires so they are more neat so I ordered a 75 ft one. The router and modem are right next to each other they aren't that far from the devices they need to reach but I do have extra wire.

Idk if that would have an affect on what my actual speed is?

Also the cat5e wire im using does not have any brand so I also don't know how that can affect it?


- Jay

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That should really be fine in theory. I'd suggest reinstalling the firmware completely with the TFTP method as this will bypass the boot process and potentially any issues there and then do a reset. It will then be the freshest install possible https://kb.netgear.com/000059634/How-to-upload-firmware-to-a-NETGEAR-router-using-Windows-TFTP

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  • 1 month later...

So I figured out the problem, It was the ethernet cable.

I tested with a shorter better quality wire and got better speeds. The wire that I'm using is cat5e from ebay and the plastic on the outside is kinda cheap.

I still need about 50 ft length, would you guys know a good ethernet wire that is good and won't drop of at a certain length?




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Brilliant, well done for figuring it out. Not specifically no, I'd have a look on Amazon, go for the highest shielded Cat ethernet within your budget and check the reviews to make sure people receive their speeds and you should be good!

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