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getting games outside of geo-filter radius

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I'd recommend you saturate your connection with videos, streams, downloads etc while following this guide and try different Anti-BB percentages (while using Always) and finding what lowers the ping the most/keeps it as stable as possible:


We will work on the cloud to try and fix the Geo issue but it sounds like you're getting the right servers based on your ping.

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i did what you said got the bluffer bloat on havent got the red lines so far. although i did remove all those peers and its gotten better some games are bad others are bad.the map show its connecting me to severs on east coast so geo-filter isnt working and there are sometimes where it doesnt show what server i am connecting to but the peers are outside of geo-gilter.

so i was looking at logs and notticed this error ] Cloud sync: Router timezone is not UTC '-800', Sunday, July 12, 2020 13:37:04. so i went to ntp settings and tried to make sure timezone was correct but time was off by 2 or 3 mins   but when i hit apply to automatically get it said Warning:The router has failed to connect to the selected NTP server,please check your internet connectivity or try another NTP servera

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you're right it didn't do anything 

just loaded up and my ping to oregon2 server was 233 i closed and reopened app and its 50. this so frustrating 

ive been unable to play yesterday and today connection is so bad it like people are moving faster then me  i start shooting before them and they just melt me.

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im getting matched with people in texas , ny ,utah everywhere accept in my filter radius i  havent been matched not even once with someone in filter radius.


but if there is only two device's what is causing the bloat? bluffer boat happens when threes a lot  of devices pulling bandwidth right?


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Doesn't have to be a lot of devices, just takes one that is using the internet heavily. Hard to tell with that screenshot but it's either whitelisted or been allowed by yourself. If you zoom out is there a bigger icon?

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On 7/15/2020 at 7:30 AM, Netduma Fraser said:

Doesn't have to be a lot of devices, just takes one that is using the internet heavily. Hard to tell with that screenshot but it's either whitelisted or been allowed by yourself. If you zoom out is there a bigger icon?

i normally have my pc off the internet unless im trying to watch whats happening with matchmaking so normally i only have one device plugged in and wifi is off. its actually been great since i last posted but seems to be back where it was at before its like  they are moving faster i just restored router to default i hope that helps. 

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7 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

That's strange, if nothing has happened on the router end and it got better then worse could be the game itself. Do keep us updated though.

will do allthough nothing on geo-filter? still doesn't work?


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That's likely the server you're playing on, as you're in Spectating Mode that's the one that's been chosen by the game for you. Looks like you've allowed it or it's been added to the whitelist by accident.

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Can you do a screenshot where the filter is in filtering mode and what you're seeing when you're searching there? Does using Ping Assist allow you to pick up any servers that you haven't before?

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9 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Can you do a screenshot where the filter is in filtering mode and what you're seeing when you're searching there? Does using Ping Assist allow you to pick up any servers that you haven't before?


idk if would help but if i put it into spectating as soon as it finds a match it will connect me but match is still outside of radius.

ive even denied other servers still connect to them?




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Spectating Mode doesn't restrict the search so you could get placed anywhere but I would recommend it for now as it should be fine just selecting the server on the game. I think too many servers have been whitelisted on our end which we need to fix.

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