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Hi all,

ive had the XR500 since it came out and I’ve followed all the guides on how to set it up properly but none of the settings prevent the lag I’m experiencing. I’m not suffering from rubber banding nor packet loss, there’s no network symbols in game (COD MW). The lag is enemies are a bullet sponge, shoot first, die first and generally sensing that my game is a behind other players.

I’ve tried all of the following either individually or in combination: the QoS and geo filter, anti buffer bloat sliders, Xbox in dmz, Google dns, port triggering, port forwarding. Nothing appears to solve my problem.


I’m on virgin media 350, in game average ping is 35 with a wired connection.


any ideas or recommendations?


many thanks


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I wouldn't really class that as lag per se but I would suggest forcing different servers to see if any play better for you. Plus there are a few big topics on the forum with people trying different manual ports for Traffic Prioritization and having success.

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Thanks. I will have look for them. The buffer bloat sliders don’t appear to solve the issue. Going wireless is better than wired, contrary to the usual advice.

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Anti-Bufferbloat is designed to eliminate local congestion which it seems to be doing given your ping, not to prevent situations like you've described. The Traffic Prio posts I mentioned experimented with ports due to a similar situation as yourself and found some success.

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I tried the traffic prioritization. On a wired connection it did appear to improve hit detection but I’m still getting killed by enemies that I swear aren’t on my screen. None of the settings, and I’ve tried many, appear to work. I don’t use the ABB sliders and find that most the time switching QOS off gives a better experience. I have good bandwidth and although there are 20+ devices connected, only the Xbox is using bandwidth in the late evening.

Last night most games I was getting melted and had a k/d of less than 0.5. There were a couple of games where I got a k/d of 2.0 and 3.25. I turned on/off the modem and router but no improvement. In the end I resorted to deleting the game and reinstalled it. Will try again this evening but I don’t expect much improvement. 

This is incredibly frustrating. I don’t believe it is the isp either as I was using BT infinity but changed to virgin media.

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Could you provide any footage of what you're seeing if possible please? We can't diagnose issues based on gameplay but it will give me an idea of what you're experiencing and then potentially give me some ideas on what could resolve it.

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3 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Could you provide any footage of what you're seeing if possible please? We can't diagnose issues based on gameplay but it will give me an idea of what you're experiencing and then potentially give me some ideas on what could resolve it.

Hi Fraser, I deleted the game and all the packs and reinstalled only what I needed for multiplayer. I played for an hour this evening and there was a night and day difference. I can only imagine that something about the game had become corrupt. I used QoS with traffic priority as recommended in the posts on here and ABB 100%\never. Geo filter on strict with ping assist 0 and a small radius around the UK, wireless 2.4. Thanks your response. I really hope this has fixed the problem I was having. 

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54 minutes ago, Ranger said:

Hi Fraser, I deleted the game and all the packs and reinstalled only what I needed for multiplayer. I played for an hour this evening and there was a night and day difference. I can only imagine that something about the game had become corrupt. I used QoS with traffic priority as recommended in the posts on here and ABB 100%\never. Geo filter on strict with ping assist 0 and a small radius around the UK, wireless 2.4. Thanks your response. I really hope this has fixed the problem I was having. 

That's really interesting, thanks for the update. I have heard about people doing this before with similar results but it's very odd that it would make a difference. Perhaps so many people have the DLC etc that it puts unnecessary stress on the servers.

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