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I'm doing something wrong with Destiny 2

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I seem to be doing something wrong in geofiltering. Xbox One, Destiny 2.

I set up geofiltering to extremely strict as an initial proof of benefit (that it would restrict high lag matches). Homed to out in ocean, minimal distance, IP assist off

I assumed that it would probably not even load me in/not find matches etc. but there appears to be no change at the moment?

I was wrong, it appears to find the same games, at the same speed, with the same lag as always?

I dont understand, could someone help or is this router not going to help with Destiny 2 and I should return?


XR500 geo setup 2.png

XR500 geo setup.png

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Thanks for that, I gave it a try without strict and it doesnt seem to make any difference? Still loading into all aspects as normal (still getting killed behind walls with bullets that have hit me a half hour ago =( ).

It seems like the ping assist (which is off) overrides all other settings leaving it "as normal".

Do I need to reset in some way?

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Ping Assist is set to zero. Geo Filtering just does not seem to work at all. Wherever I mark as "home" (middle of the ocean) and with strict on and off all settings are ignored and matches found as normal.

Do I just have a duff router and need a refund?


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Welcome to the forum!

Sounds like you may have solved it but i'll respond anyway.

We introduced the Strict Mode option because Destiny would throw you out if you attempted to block any dedicated servers. Strict Mode disables the ability for the Geo-Filter to block servers, and instead just allows it to block peers.

Destiny has since been updated, and now seems to function correctly with Strict Mode turned on. Your results may vary.

Ping Assist does override other settings insofar as your Geo-Filter radius will be ignored, which is why we recommend putting it in the ocean. You could also put the circle around a data centre you particularly like.

In the upcoming DumaOS version 3.0 (entering beta this week probably, maybe next) you will have the option to draw your own radius onto the map in the form of polygons. This will give you even more freedom to hone in on the servers you like best.

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