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On vigor 130 + xr500 and Zen Internet UK - weak pings and odd ingame glitching and delays in Warzone

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Hi there,

Recently replaced my all-in-one FritZ!Box 3490 with a Vigor 130 and xr500.

I'm based in the UK with Fibre broadband with Zen Internet. Get download speeds of ~75 and upload of ~15.

Since I moved to the new modem/router combo, pings are the same or worse on CoD Warzone as they were on my old basic modem-router, and I've now got a new slight jerkiness to the game where I see enemies move a yard or so if I watch them run for a few seconds, also seems to be a jitter every time before I die and feels like I can't hit people properly - makes the game unpredictable and unplayable. Making me think about returning all the equipment. 

Thought I'd give this forum a go before I send it all back. 

So just to explain how I've set this up:

- Standard setup of vigor 130 (so just plugged and played and updated to latest firmware).

- Standard setup of xr500 (went through the setup wizard process and went for standard settings throughout, and on latest firmware)

When the test as part of the wizard setup ran to check the speeds, it showed the same upload and download speeds as mentioned above (which is good for the service I pay for).

When I go to geolocation, I see dedicated servers in Texas (which I think are just for authentication on login because when I tried to 'deny' all three of the servers that kept popping up in that region, I wasn't then able to login to online services in the Modern Warfare main menu when I selected Warzone) and a number of peers around a dedicated server which, judging by your map of Modern Warfare servers, must be the main modern warfare server in the south of England. 


No matter what I do (tested QoS settings, tested geolocation based on ping, then without, then only on ping etc.), the pings don't seem to improve and the lag seems worse than my cheap old combi modem.

For the dedicated server I see a 7 to 8 ping in Netduma. For the peers in that area I see a 13-14 ping in Netduma. Ingame in Warzone I see a 38 to 55 ping (and sometimes up to 60 or 70). 

Can you let me know where to begin when it comes to troubleshooting, changing settings, anything that could help me get the ping and the weird delay/jittery movements etc. --- and/or anything Warzone specific that might help? 

(Also, just to note - I had my settings in every area matching the official guides you ask everyone to check out before asking Qs at one point and had the same results)

Thanks a lot,


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1 hour ago, Soupdragon said:

Hi there,

Recently replaced my all-in-one FritZ!Box 3490 with a Vigor 130 and xr500.

I'm based in the UK with Fibre broadband with Zen Internet. Get download speeds of ~75 and upload of ~15.

Since I moved to the new modem/router combo, pings are the same or worse on CoD Warzone as they were on my old basic modem-router, and I've now got a new slight jerkiness to the game where I see enemies move a yard or so if I watch them run for a few seconds, also seems to be a jitter every time before I die and feels like I can't hit people properly - makes the game unpredictable and unplayable. Making me think about returning all the equipment. 

Thought I'd give this forum a go before I send it all back. 

So just to explain how I've set this up:

- Standard setup of vigor 130 (so just plugged and played and updated to latest firmware).

- Standard setup of xr500 (went through the setup wizard process and went for standard settings throughout, and on latest firmware)

When the test as part of the wizard setup ran to check the speeds, it showed the same upload and download speeds as mentioned above (which is good for the service I pay for).

When I go to geolocation, I see dedicated servers in Texas (which I think are just for authentication on login because when I tried to 'deny' all three of the servers that kept popping up in that region, I wasn't then able to login to online services in the Modern Warfare main menu when I selected Warzone) and a number of peers around a dedicated server which, judging by your map of Modern Warfare servers, must be the main modern warfare server in the south of England. 


No matter what I do (tested QoS settings, tested geolocation based on ping, then without, then only on ping etc.), the pings don't seem to improve and the lag seems worse than my cheap old combi modem.

For the dedicated server I see a 7 to 8 ping in Netduma. For the peers in that area I see a 13-14 ping in Netduma. Ingame in Warzone I see a 38 to 55 ping (and sometimes up to 60 or 70). 

Can you let me know where to begin when it comes to troubleshooting, changing settings, anything that could help me get the ping and the weird delay/jittery movements etc. --- and/or anything Warzone specific that might help? 

(Also, just to note - I had my settings in every area matching the official guides you ask everyone to check out before asking Qs at one point and had the same results)

Thanks a lot,


The one in Texas is like a data server that is whitelisted.

Are you playing modern warfare multiplayer? If so I highly recommend you play on the Spanish server only. Thank me later 👍

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I'm only playing Warzone at the moment so not bothered about peer-to-peer hosting.

Cheers for the suggestion re the Spanish server. I've played on Spanish servers a few times and found them laggy but will give it a try. Are you also based in the UK?

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Your pings are really good to be honest, couldn't ask for much better. When you experience the issues do you see spikes/jitter on the Geo-Filter ping? What platform are you playing on? Are you playing wired?

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Thanks Fraser! 

Yeah when I saw 7 to 14 pings in Netduma I was excited but then seeing 48 to 60 ping ingame with that (higher than I was getting with my old router) and also getting a jerkier experience with spikes in ping and visual lag I was disappointed. Also feels like button presses arent registering at times. 

Ive not been able to directly correlate a visual skip with a spike in ping, but I did just watch the ping while I was ingame and saw spikes in the netduma ping from 10 to 40 for one second and then it would go back to being stable for 5 to 6 seconds, then other spikes. Maybe once every 15 seconds but sometimes closer together (id guess that spike in netduma correlated to a jump from 45 ping to 75 or 80 ingame - saw spikes up to that level).

I did have one game when I first set the router up when I got 25 to 35 ping in a game with barely any jerkiness, but played about 100 games since and all been around 45 to 55. Not seen anything like that since. 

If I follow all of the tips in the netduma guides, but still getting poor results - what would you recommend as the first steps to test or change beyond that? 

Playing on PS4 Pro and wired. 

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This sounds like a server issue as the server ping will always show higher than the router as it includes processing delay etc. I would recommend using the Geo-Filter to force other servers, maybe even slightly further away to see if you can find ones that are more stable. 

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