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Why are the R-Apps so inconsistent?

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I have had my X500 for a couple years now and for the most part i love it.  I did a lot of research before buying this router because I was originally planning on buying a router I could flash DD-WRT onto for the added functionality but a lot of the things I was looking for were listed as being part of DumaOS so I bought the router.

Ever since I bought it though it's been one frustration after another with the R-Apps.  So much so that I actually turned my x500 into an AP and built a pfsense box so I could have the features I want actually work (ended up borking my network and reverting but that was due to inexperience). 

Seriously, is it too much to ask that when I log into my router im able to see the device list R-App or the Network Monitor R-App?  I logged in this morning to look at the Network Monitor R-App to see if my kid was actually using the internet when he said he wasn't and I just get the spinny wheel and the R-app wont open.  Solution?  Reboot the router.  Ok but now all the data I was hoping to get is gone.

Starting to wish I would have went with the DD-WRT router cause this R-Apps stuff is irritating.  Most of the time when I login they don't work or some of them work.  Any insight into making sure they work as intended?  I can't imagine i'm doing something wrong here.

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

In System Information in the Rapp panel options change the number of retries to 5 and then reboot the router. What firmware version are you on also? I think you'll be much happier with 3.0 as it brings more features that I think you will like and will eliminate these issues and make the router more stable in general. Sign up here so you can get onto it sooner http://www.netgearinnovation.com/dumaos-beta/index.html

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I will try upping the retries.  I don't want to reboot the modem yet so i'll wait til later.  I signed up for the beta, im on the latest available (non beta) firmware but if 3.0 is stable then i'd love to give it a shot.

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Question for you sir.  I signed up for the 3.0 beta but I didn't get any feedback or a page that said "we'll contact you if you're selected" or "here's where to download it" or "sorry you cant be part of it" it just said "thank you for signing up for the beta".  Does it hook into my router and there will be an update waiting?  Do I have to download it and install manually?  What do I have to do to get access to 3.0.  Maybe I missed an email or something, if so I apologize but I was expecting something saying "welcome to the NetDuma Beta Program, here's a link to download the latest formware" or something similar.

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48 minutes ago, Nizzoball said:

Question for you sir.  I signed up for the 3.0 beta but I didn't get any feedback or a page that said "we'll contact you if you're selected" or "here's where to download it" or "sorry you cant be part of it" it just said "thank you for signing up for the beta".  Does it hook into my router and there will be an update waiting?  Do I have to download it and install manually?  What do I have to do to get access to 3.0.  Maybe I missed an email or something, if so I apologize but I was expecting something saying "welcome to the NetDuma Beta Program, here's a link to download the latest formware" or something similar.

It's just a sign up so you'll be contacted when/if you have been selected to take part in the beta. Even if you don't get selected in the first round doesn't mean you won't be able to take part. The beta hasn't been released to testers yet.

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I have a problem with qos and network speed measurements, the qos wont work because network overview/snapshot isnt measuring data usage, i pull 260 download and it only says 0.0021 or some low number like that. it did work but was trying to dialin qos settings. any thing i can do to fix this? 

I restart router and it fixes it but what's going to keep it from not workíng, I guess I'll just have to test it every now and then.


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Ok, np. Thank you for replying.

Since I upgraded rx500 to latest firmware, my PS4 pro randomly says lan cable disconnected. At first it was everything connected to router but now just my PS4, I will replace/test lan cable, and try different lan port on router, I also heard a switch between PS4 and router fixes that. I'll have to try. Thanks again.

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