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Prioritising gaming traffic on PC I feel isn't working

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Hey guys, 

I have a XR500 and I have been really happy with the performance of it since I upgraded from the XR300. 

I feel there is an issue with the prioritising gaming traffic on my PC. I have usually been gaming on Xbox one and when the network is under load (wife watching netflix) it has been performing really well. However since doing upgrades on my PC and I am now currently gaming on PC, when I am gaming I feel that it isn't prioritising as it does when i  play on Xbox. For example when playing PC and my wife decides to watch netflix etc I don't play as well and when I am in gun fights etc it's as if there is a delay when I am firing my weapon or that it takes a lot of shots trying to kill someone. I didn't have this issue with Xbox, I have added my PC to the QOS as a games console, I have added the PC on the Geo filter and I have also opened the ports on PC as well. But when I play PC and no one is really using the internet I don't have any issues, its only when someone does use the internet that I do get issues. 

I can't see the issue being my anti-bufferbloat as like I say the xbox when gaming and with other devices using the internet it works absolutely fine. 

If anyone has any tips or help would be appreciated. 

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What game are you playing? I think the best bet here would be to prioritize the ports manually. I would also recommend double checking that the IP/device you think it is hasn't changed - especially since making those PC changes.

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10 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

What game are you playing? I think the best bet here would be to prioritize the ports manually. I would also recommend double checking that the IP/device you think it is hasn't changed - especially since making those PC changes.

Hi Fraser, thanks for your reply. 

I play Modern Warfare, how do you mean prioritise them manually? Open the ports? if so I have already done that. I have also double checked IP on PC as well and it is the same. 


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Hi Fraser, thanks for quick reply.

i already have them ports opened on pc, so are you saying that these ports need to be prioritised as well as being open ? 

let’s say I prioritise these ports within the QoS section, do I need to do anything else for example disable duma classified games or disable port forwarding etc. 

thanks again 😁

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Hi Fraser, sorry been a few days, just another quick question, when adding these ports to the traffic prioritisation would this way be correct ( Example below) 

Source Port -- Start -- 3074 -- End 3074 

Destination Port -- Start --3074 -- End 3074

Protocol TCP/UDP 

Would this be the correct way of doing it? and would I do this on all the ports you mentioned? 

Thanks again 

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4 minutes ago, Taylordrift21 said:

Hi Fraser, sorry been a few days, just another quick question, when adding these ports to the traffic prioritisation would this way be correct ( Example below) 

Source Port -- Start -- 3074 -- End 3074 

Destination Port -- Start --3074 -- End 3074

Protocol TCP/UDP 

Would this be the correct way of doing it? and would I do this on all the ports you mentioned? 

Thanks again 

no, lol


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As above, leave the source ports on their default range. Some people experiment with this but the source ports can change a lot so I recommend to leave that as is and yes do so for all ports mentioned. To make it easier these are the rules I would suggest making so you don't have loads- source ports all default.

TCP/UDP: 3074, 27000 - 27050
UDP: 3478,4379-4380

So just 4 rules to make there.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey Fraser, I know it's been a little while since we last spoke. 

So I completed the traffic prioritisation as you instructed, and it did help a lot I must admit more so when there may only be 1 or 2 devices using the internet, however I think I need to do something else to help with this issue because when gaming on PC and I can only compare at the moment when gaming on PC as I haven't played console for a while but I still get high ping when gaming with other devices using the internet especially "video streaming apps". 

Is there anything else I can try and make this better? 

I have tried doing the ping plotter but I can not for life of me get it to be the same as an example I seen a while back when using the QoS features and the ABB. 

I also think the ABB isn't working as should, if I play online without it, I play much better (tests were done without devices connected) then when I activate ABB I do worse (tests were also done without devices connected). However I know that ABB is needed when having a lot of devices connected at the same time for the QoS to work.

It is so annoying when I want to game at weekends through the day as that is when most devices are connected and I get high ping/spikes. 
I play Modern Warfare if anyone needs to know that. 

If anyone would be able to help or give me other ideas it would be very much appreciated. 


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Hey Fraser,  now that you mention it. 
I have unlimited Fibre 40-80Mbps Download 10-20Mbps Upload < == DSL connection  We pay £34 a month (no house phone) The speeds are never guaranteed apparently. 
I have a TPLINK Modem Only (Broadcom Chipset) 
XR500 as the main router connected to the modem via ethernet (WAN) 
The PC is hard wired 15 meter CAT5e ethernet cable < this runs under the carpet (edge) 
All bandwidth hungry devices are wireless to either the 2.4ghz or the 5ghz 
ABB settings are > 70% Download 49.9Mb > 70% Upload 13.2Mb 
Download Bandwidth for ABB is 71.23Mb 
Upload Bandwidth for ABB is 18.83Mb 
Every device is connected to the XR500, the TPLINK is modem only

I hope that helps. 


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Thanks for all that information, could you share with me some screenshots of the PingPlotter results you achieved? Also what is the average ping to the game you're getting as shown by the Geo-Filter? What does speedtest.net say your ping is if no other devices are using the internet?

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Hey Fraser, so I got some screen shots for you, I only need to get the info from GEO filter when connecting in games but my latency in game shows anything from 23ms to 45ms mostly is in between 23 to 30ms. 
First screenshot is my speedtest with nothing connected

Second Screenshot is, ABB disabled connecting to bbc.co.uk 
Third Screenshot is ABB enabled. 
Both times tested were with the most used devices that are always using the bandwidth. I didn't see the need to try test when "Everything was on" as that is never the case. 


PingPlotter Test1 Without ABB.png

PingPlotter Test With ABB .png

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Thanks for the information - given the base ping your game ping is about right but the spikes are not. When you're doing tests like this always use 'Always', could you run the plots again but using Always this time and see what you get please?

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