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XR500 - 5Ghz singal dying...

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About a few weeks ago, the 5Ghz signal just started dropping. The LED light stays on and when I go to the DumaOS dashboard, it is showing that the 5Ghz is enabled. But none of my devices see it. I've restarted the router, I've re-uploaded the latest firmware, and I've done a factory reset, still doesn't help. The 5Ghz signal would like a few hours, and then it's gone. Hope this is the right place for someone to help me.

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear you're having this issue. Could you do a reset/get to the point where you can see it then use a WiFi analyzer and change it to the further channel away from any other networks/devices please? I'm wondering if there is a conflict that's causing it to go off. Also you don't use a DFS channel do you? Before you do this, go to Advanced WiFi settings, disable the 5GHz radio, apply, reboot then enable, apply and reboot then do the above and see if it continues.

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