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Virtual Server and Inbound Filter Functionalities

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Hi there,

Searched the forum for possible answers but could not find anything relates to my question.

I recently upgraded to NetGear XR500 from my old D-Link DIR-825. 

I was mainly using three functionalities on this old router, for a server in the cloud to make a service call which is running on one of my devices on the network. So, I was utilizing three main functionalities:

  • Dynamic DNS. I found this is available on DumaOS, so it is fine.
  • Inbound Filter: Allowed me to define IP ranges and create groups for these IP addresses, ie. allow/block incoming request IP address(es) for specific forwarding. Could not locate the same on DumaOS.
  • Virtual Server: Allowed me to forward incoming requests to a specific device IP/port on my network, in conjunction with Inbound Filter. So, only incoming requests from a specific IP range was allowed to be forwarded to the device. Also, could not find the same on DumaOS, would port forwarding achieve the same effect?

How can I achieve the same with DumaOS? Obviously, Dynamic DNS is not an issue but I could not figure out the rest. Not sure placing the device within the DMZ would work, but I do not know the security implications of that.


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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Port forwarding might achieve that same affect though I haven't specifically tried it. There is no inbound filter and no way around it that I can think of unfortunately.

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Thanks Fraser! 

I was able to achieve forwarding the incoming request using port forwarding. Any plans to have Inbound Filter functionality on DumaOS? If not, is it possible to put a feature request forward? It would be nice to allow requests originating from given IP range to be port forwarded only, for additional security. In the meantime, as a workaround, I have modified my service to only allow requests to be processed from an IP range. But even then the requests will end up hitting my server, so not ideal.

I understand most people here bought these routers for gaming purposes, but not me. I was just looking for a reliable router with a good range where I can also have the simple features that even entry-level routers offer.

Here are the settings that I used for port forwarding for the service, for future reference:

Service Name: <service name here>
Protocol: TCP/UDP <pick applicable protocol here>
External port range: <port for incoming service requests from Internet, can be 8080, 3000, etc. >
Use the same port range for Internal port <unchecked>
Internal port range: <Local port for which the service is running on, I entered a single value for my use case>
Internal IP address: <local IP address for the device which is running the service>

Keep healthy.


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Good to hear that the feature can go into the idea list. Just one last addition, I do not think this requires a fancy screen designs or anything like that, perhaps for the first iteration. Please see the attachment; it probably only needs its own text field. It should be an optional field and if captured, router will need to do a check against the incoming request's IP address to validate.



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