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Ex8000 and EX7500 disconnected

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Is there gonna be any support for the extenders in 3.0 update for EX8000 and Ex7500. 

I bought the Xr500 and ex8000 it’ll work for a day or so and then just disconnect from the router. I tried every single setting possible on both routers and extenders. I thought it was the Xr500 so I bought the XR700 and still the same thing I’m thinking it has to do with the duma OS please look into it I would like to use all these expensive paperweights.  is there any help out there anybody having the same problem?

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The EX8000 works well with the 500, I had one connected to a 500 for a year and no issues. Duma supports the XR routers and NG support the extenders.

i would reset the extender but how have you set it up and what channels are you using?

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Yes I restarted the router and extender multiple times and still no luck. It’s hard to believe that both routers and both extenders won’t connect any kind of combination. I’m not sure what channel I am using I’ll check when I get home but if there’s anyway I can see your settings?

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No, I’m not using the 500 now.

you need to reset, that’s a factory reset using the rear pin hole. Rebooting the router or extender will not cure the issue. 

Is the extender set up as an extender or access point?

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Is this set up as an extender or AP? 

in extender mode you need to use a DFS channel on the router to have the better performance. It needs a good signal connection which can be checked under the extenders web UI. 
here the pain though, if you are U.K. based channel 100 has to drop if Radar is detected which throws the extender a bit. The 500 tends to give these detections a far bit when I had mine up and running. 
if you don’t use the DFS channel then the backhaul channel has reduced throughput. 

AP mode is easy and just a wired connection.

Also check the WiFi on the 500. If it’s developed a fault where the 5Ghz channel drops this will disconnect the extender if it’s an extender setup. You can monitor this with a simple WiFi analyser program. If that’s the issue it’s a case of contacting Netgear if under warranty. 
Same applies to extender. A hardware fault could be your issue.


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