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Am I missing something? This does not work well...

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Hi All,

Figured I would post here after searching for firmware upgrade.  All of the "apps" take FOREVER to load... some don't at all.  Tried multiple browsers.  I'm in IT and I've had a LOT of routers in my day.  Should I nuke this?  Would be great to have a mobile app too.  The device also says there is a firmware update available, but when I attempt to upgrade the new version says it's the same as the existing.  I should probably call Netgear, but I can't handle any more headaches right now.  Oh last thing, trying to block streaming services on a schedule and it doesn't appear to be working as expected.  Anyone else have these types of issues and if so, any ideas or advice? 

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

This upgrade will fix the Rapps not loading issue. https://kb.netgear.com/000061714/XR700-Firmware-Version-1-0-1-24-Hot-Fix

You can't block streaming services on a schedule just yet but you can block the internet on a schedule.

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