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Cloud Settings is still being updated?

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Also, what does 1, 1, 1, mean for my set up? What would be the best setting for COD3? Lately I see the game server jump a lot on the Geo Filter, I Go from Texas server to Washington to California server which is the correct server for me.

Screenshot - 2020-04-16T093224.927.png

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Yes they are. That is just what it defaults to when auto/bleeding edge are enabled, they are not what are being used. You will be on the latest, I would suggest you keep the cloud settings you have to keep getting the latest updates. You can force using the Geo-Filter whichever server plays the best for you and then block the rest.

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Yes they are. That is just what it defaults to when auto/bleeding edge are enabled, they are not what are being used. You will be on the latest, I would suggest you keep the cloud settings you have to keep getting the latest updates. You can force using the Geo-Filter whichever server plays the best for you and then block the rest.

Okay, Great info, how do I manually force pick California server? how do I do force the GF to do just that?

Screenshot - 2020-04-16T122717.250.png

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2 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Do you have strict mode enabled? You'll need to prevent hosts outside your radius. Also turn Ping Assist to 0.

No, I don't have SM enable, when I have PA to 0 it wont let me connect to the server I want. it just be blank.

Screenshot - 2020-04-16T124036.019.png

Screenshot - 2020-04-16T124244.361.png

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2 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Could you set it up as you did before and then provide a screenshot of the map zoomed out please? May be something you're blocking that is required for online play.

before I had PA 20 and un tick strict mode.

Screenshot - 2020-04-16T134655.206.png

Screenshot - 2020-04-16T134926.067.png

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12 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Could you zoom out on the map so the whole world is visible and provide another screenshot please?


Screenshot - 2020-04-16T145415.514.png

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30 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Enable strict mode again with PA 0 to try and force the Cali server, keep the map zoomed out, do you see anything blocked then?

No, I don't see anything.

Screenshot - 2020-04-16T162630.458.png

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7 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

There are some servers blocked outside your radius there. If you manually ping them what ping do you get? They may be mislocated.

I get between 11 ms to 48 ms.  even with PA at 30 I still get the yellow triangle.

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Could you provide me with the IDs of the servers that are allowed with PA that our outside your radius but not the ones that are blocked please? Then I'll take a look and see if any need to be added to the whitelist.

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4 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Could you provide me with the IDs of the servers that are allowed with PA that our outside your radius but not the ones that are blocked please? Then I'll take a look and see if any need to be added to the whitelist.

ID: 976b5f2a0836babf    Distance: 1187mi    This is with strict mode off 
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That is a normal game server located in Texas so don't need to whitelist that one, it is doing the right thing by blocking it. Are there any others you can see that fit the scenario I described?

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4 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

I think in that case the issue is probably that the Cali server is under load a lot of the time now and so you won't always be able to get it without waiting awhile.

Washington and Texas servers are useless to me the lag is incredible when connecting to them. If I can't play connecting to these server.

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There should be some other servers around that you can force. Have a look at the map when you boot up the game, does it show all the servers? If so put your radius slightly Northeast to grab another that is still fairly close by.

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16 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

There should be some other servers around that you can force. Have a look at the map when you boot up the game, does it show all the servers? If so put your radius slightly Northeast to grab another that is still fairly close by.

Sure, I think I'll will do that. Quick question, do I have to restart the modem every time I move the congestion control slider for it to take effect? 

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