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Something I noticed while playing Apex Legends plus a couple of questions

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Last night I had the Geo Filter running on my PC while I was playing Apex Legends on my Xbox One and I noticed something.

A little background first. I'm a novice when it comes to networking and I just bought the XR570 because of the reviews and DumaOS. I live in Ohio and I was trying to set my geo filter to around 500 miles so that it would reach the closet servers from the central and east server lists while only allowing close players to me in an attempt to minimize lag. So Texas was not inside my geo filter. I was continually having disconnections from the lobby and "attempting to reconnect" issues that would not resolve unless I changed the geo filter to include Texas (around 1000 miles). I have also gone through and followed the apex settings guide that you guys put out.

What I noticed (when I included Texas) was that when I was in a game, the geo filter would show that I was connected to a server in Virginia and then after the match when I would go back to the lobby, it would connect to a (person icon) in Texas. I dont know much about what is going on but it seemed to me that for some reason the game would force me to connect to the server in Texas to go back to the lobby and then connect to the closer server for the match. So I'm concluding that when I would lower the miles so that the filter would exclude Texas it wouldn't be able to connect to the lobby server since it was outside of the filter range and it was a person icon.

My questions are these:

Why does it think that the server in Texas is a user to be excluded from the filter instead of a server?

Could I "pretend" that the location of my router is in a different state so that the Texas server is still inside the geo filter but the filter can be smaller to limit the range of players that can connect to me or will this cause more issues than it will solve?

Is there a better fix for this that what I have tried/thought of?


Bean's Shadow

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

This is something that we are aware of, it will require a cloud update for us to whitelist that server. It's a server that is required for online play on Apex and so as you found without connecting to it then booting can occur. It's been misclassified on our database hence why it appears as peer and not whitelisted. We likely already have the details ready for us to add it but just in case could you get the ID of it and put it in this form please: https://forum.netduma.com/topic/29742-found-mislocated-servers-post-here/ 

If you ping the server and click allow then that will allow you to connect to it without moving your radius/location on the map. You may need to keep allowing it as servers are usually clustered in the same location so may be quite a few that perform that function.


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