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iPhone is an interrupting hog?

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We have 2 PS4's gaming at once in my household.  Everything seems to play well, especially if our daughter's iPhone isn't in use.  But when that thing is on, it seems to take everything completely over, and take priority for itself.  When we tell her to switch to "data", instead of "wifi", gaming is smoother;  I've noticed this on multiple occassions.  Is there something known with iPhones that cause them to seriously hog bandwidth, or is it my imagination?  Does the iPhone's gaming software make it get flagged under "Netduma Classified Games"?

Here's a little info about our setup:

Cable internet (300 MB down, 30 MB up)

Using XR500 router;  QoS is on;  Anti-bufferbloat settings (down/up) both set to 70%, and "only when high-priority traffic detected);  priority devices are both PS4's, and Netduma Classified games.

The PS4's are classified as "gaming consoles", and the phone is correctly classified as "phone".  In the QoS settings, the PS4's are set to "36%" each (down/up) for allocation....so I don't understand why the iPhone seems to be able to jump ahead in line?

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In my experience, the XR500 will detect the iPhone as high priority traffic, especially when playing games on the device.  I would recommend turning off QOS and see if your network performs any better. 

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But I really do want the PS4's to be high-priority; first in line ahead of everything else when they're on.  Would leaving my PS4's (which were added manually) as high-priority, but turning off the "DumaOS Classified Games" off for high-priority still accomplish that?

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1 hour ago, croken said:

But I really do want the PS4's to be high-priority; first in line ahead of everything else when they're on.  Would leaving my PS4's (which were added manually) as high-priority, but turning off the "DumaOS Classified Games" off for high-priority still accomplish that?

You can try it.  QOS off works best for me.  My home internet ran much more smoothly after I turned it off.  QOS is typically not needed with internet download speeds of 300 Mbps or greater.  https://community.netgear.com/t5/Nighthawk-WiFi-Routers/300mbps-and-Qos/m-p/1479469

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All you need to do is disable DumaOS Classified Games on Traffic Prioritization and have the two PS4s added manually with the games console service. They'll continue to be prioritized and if the iPhone was caught by classified games then it'll no longer be prioritized and cause you issues so you can keep the rest of your settings as normal.

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Tried QoS off;  it practically killed my internet.  My 300 MB internet started giving my PS4 5 MB download speed...yes...just 5.  I put it back.  I kept the PS4's as high-priority, and disabled the DumaOS Classified games.  We'll see how that goes.  Thanks!

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