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Amazon Firestick 4k ports TCP UDP


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First off, I LOVE this router. It's by far the best one I have ever used. So thank you...


I am trying to add my firestick (usually twitch, netflix, cable apps, etc.) to the "traffic prioritization" list using the add device button then advanced setting. I don't have too fast of internet speed and I am either playing PS4 OR watching firestick. I would like to have QOS take over when firestick is being used, thus ensure enough bandwidth gets to that device.

However I am unsure what ports I need to list. And furthermore I have never listed ports both in AND out. But I assume not not too hard to figure out.

I have read a couple Q and A's or forums and the most I have gotten out is 

use random UDP ports above 49152 and TCP ports 80 or 443

Does this sound correct? or possibly correct?

Similar question... Ports listed here are not actually opening the ports on the router correct? It's just used to scan for activity? Can I add the firestick and add ALL ports in a range? That way any activity would trigger it?   A problem I see with that would be: I don't know if the firestick "talks" to the internet intermittently for "news" or ads or even to keep the time. Theoretically if it did that, and all ports were in the range, it would always trigger it correct?


Anyways, thanks for entertaining the idea with me. I would like to find a way to set it up.


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Hi Darrin, welcome to the forum!

You've pretty much figured out the problem. We could add all ports for that device to traffic prio, but then the idle traffic would trigger anti-bufferbloat, meaning you'd be at less-than-optimum bandwidth most of the time.

I mean if you were using Traffic Prio to actually give priority to the fire stick, this method would work fine, but using it as a trigger for anti-bufferbloat does present some issues in this case.

So basically we have to figure out which ports these video apps are using. It's tricky because they use all different ports. I could try wiresharking netflix from my end and see which ports it consistently uses.


Another idea would be to add the PS4 to traffic prio, so that it's the PS4 that triggers anti-bufferbloat. Only problem: you'd have to remember to completely turn off the PS4 when you're not using it, instead of leaving it in rest mode.

Or you could try out the DumaOS Classified Games filter, which might do a better job of telling the difference between gaming traffic and idle stuff like patch downloads.

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