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Xr500 ntp server error, latency issues

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Ever since I updated to .56 my upload speed has gone down the drain, latency for Xbox has increased, and all of the routers features don't seem to work anymore. I have factory reset the router, flashed the original software back, factory reset, updated to the latest firmware, factory reset, and attempted turning everything off, disabling qos, etc. Nothing seems to work anymore. What is the steps to fix these issues? Attaching a screenshot showing qos stating disabled, then turning on


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Hey, welcome to the forum!

A firmware upgrade shouldn't have changed anything in that regard. Have you changed any settings to what was normally used after the upgrade? First thing I would suggest is to disable IPv6 completely. Also how are you measuring the upload speed - from a wired PC? How are you measuring the Xbox latency - via the Geo-Filter when you're in a game?

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I have disabled ipv6 completely, when doing so, Xbox speed tests download speed drops to half of my available speed, still with no qos enabled, and upload doesn't go higher than 30 Mbps. I am currently using att uverse giga power, 1000mbps download and upload, and cat 6a Ethernet cables. Doing speed tests on the modem show 940mbps download/upload, and using the app shows 896mbps and 940mbps upload. The speed tests on Xbox are showing 34-42ms latency vs prior update showing 20-26ms. I have also tried different ports, and cables. 

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Your forum profile is still showing the IPv6 is active so you may need to disable this from the modem itself. The Xbox doesn't need that much bandwidth at all, games only use less than 1mbps. You don't need QoS with your speeds so disabling that in the Anti-Bufferbloat options is fine. The latency shown in the Xbox settings is not representative at all of what your gameplay will be like. It is just the ping to an authentication server to check you're online and has no bearing on game ping so you can safely ignore this, it is likely gone up because the Geo-Filter has blocked a server. The main thing to check is whether you're getting your full speeds wired through a PC and to check the ping you're actually getting when playing a game by checking the Geo-Filter.

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