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Geo-Filter "Add Device"

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I play both BlackOps 4 and Battlefield 1/3/4/5 on PC.  However, I cannot add both and toggle between them in the Geo-Filter.

I have to delete one and add the other separately.  Will this be addressed in an update at some point? 

All I honestly need is the ability to Toggle between "Devices".   That way I can see servers listed below when I play between games. 

Thanks for all your hard work though!

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Are you trying to use the CoD/Battlefield services? It will be because they overlap in some of the ports they use. I'd suggest you change your PC to a PlayStation or Xbox device type in the Device Manager and then remove the device from the Geo-Filter and re-add it. You can then just use that device addition for any game you play on that PC. Just be wary if you have any issues non gaming related when online the Geo-Filter may be blocking it so switch to Spectating mode but this shouldn't usually be the case.

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Yes, I play both COD and Battlefield games on PC. 

COD BO4 uses Battle.net and BattleField uses Origin as services to them.

Battlefield PC
    TCP: 5222, 9988, 17502, 20000-20100, 22990, 42127
    UDP: 3659, 14000-14016, 22990-23006, 25200-25300

Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII - PC
    TCP: 3074, 27014-27050
    UDP: 3478, 4379-4380, 27000-27031, 27036

I'm not sure what ports are overlapping.  Which is why the error message has always confused me. 

Origin on PC:

UDP: 443 ---TCP: 80, 443, 8080

Battle.net Desktop App
TCP: 80, 443, 1119
UDP: 80. 443, 1119



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