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If you're getting pings as low as 20ms the short answer is you probably can't! That's a great ping and you will be limited by your base ping mostly, what is the ping to closest speedtest.net server when nothing is using the internet? General rule is add about 15-20ms on top of that ping to find out what you're lowest possible ping to a game would be (unless you're right on top of the server) so you're probably at the lowest possible.

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So just did a speed test my ping is 33ms do I add 15-20ms to that ping reading is that right. So that means it could be 53ms or 48ms if I had 15ms or 20ms. How comes you add 15-20ms to your connection ping? 

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  • Administrators

That would roughly be your expected ping yes so the fact you're getting much lower than that is very good, you must be quite close to the server. It's to allow for the distance from you to the server. Basically the pings you're getting at the moment are great and you won't be able to lower them anymore.

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Thanks for replies so future reference if I do a speed test and it changes to 50ms I add 15ms or 20ms to that number to allow for the distance from me to the server. So after adding 15-20ms to my ping which would bring it to 65ms or 70ms so anything lower would be a bonus have I got that right 😊

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