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SUGGESTION - a Standard LOG Format

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Usual Log Format:


2019/07/31  23:23:24 [DUMA] [QOS] "7777" - applying for Zone Lan
2019/07/31  23:23:23 [ADMIN] [] "0001"  - Login 
2019/07/31  23:23:22 [Internet] [22.123.321.57] "0123" - Established connection 
- Last event on top
- International date format: 4 digit year - 2 digit month
- International Time format (24h)
- Better Coding of event
- "code" to sort & filter fast
- Better & clear description

- Possibility to "save on disk" - because a reboot clear it !!!!


PS: your Log is driving me crazy - Time is at the end and not standard !!!!!

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Well it's more NETGEAR's log than our log, but we are looking into improving the readability of all DumaOS logs. It might involve having a separate version of the log which is based on the original but reformatted.

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