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Mejor configuración para Destiny 2


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Hola soy nueva así que necesito su ayuda tengo varios problemas 

Desde que instale el Netduma R1 el juego me saca aveces aparecen errores diferentes.

El NAT está moderado pero cuando le hago un Test NAT Type lo cambia OPEN pero tengo que estar haciendo eso siempre que voy a usar el Xbox.

El internet  mi velocidad es de 250mbps y con el netduma me da 69mbps como puedo hacer para recibir toda la velocidad que tengo.

Netduma R1 version 1.03.6h


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Hello, welcome to the forum!

For Destiny you need to have strict mode unticked/disabled on the Geo-Filter to prevent the errors.

Where are you looking at the NAT, on the game or console? The router will open the ports needed when requested which is why when you do the test it happens but when you play the game it should open these automatically anyway so don't worry.

Have you put your expected speeds into the bandwidth settings and allowed it to auto setup for you? Is this through a wired test?

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Hello thank you 

Stric mode is unticked 

I look the NAT on the console Xbox one S We have 4 Xbox but sometimes some are on stric and another’s on moderate is there a setting that we can do? So all of them will be on open always? 

and yes is wired but the speed is fix now :)




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