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XR500 Black ops 4 server / ping plot

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4 hours ago, Netduma Admin said:

Hi Macabi - is there a specific question here? Your ping looks generally stable given you are connecting to a dedicated server. 

Packet loss? the fact that both setting look exactly, no effect.

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Then that tells you the cause of any spikes is not bufferbloat. It's most likely the server.

Try changing the target to or a local, popular website (bbc.co.uk is a good one for UK users). Do you see the same variance? My guess would be you won't, but if you do, then you might have an issue with your line.

See this guide for a more detailed explanation: http://forum.netduma.com/topic/23881-ping-plotter-quick-guide/

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41 minutes ago, Netduma Admin said:

Could you post the results to the modem please?

On Network Monitor, how much is going through the bandwidth?

This is direct CM1000 Netgear modem to, as you see , I am not going mad, the connection is allot flatter and better then with the xr500 connected as the previous image.

<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/IETXfc8"><a href="//imgur.com/IETXfc8"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


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Both tests were wired right?

How High is your bandwidth speed? Do you have anything using your connection to a high amount?

Have you added any manual rules to Traffic Prioritization?

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Could you try this quickly: unplug everything from the XR500 Ethernet other than your modem (which goes into the WAN port) and your testing PC. 

Then go to wireless setup and temporarily disable the wireless. Quickly go to Device Manager and check that your testing PC is the only online device connected to the router.  Now repeat the PingPlotter test. See if it’s more like the modem. 


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