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Super Slow Internet speeds


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Hi Guys,


Just wanted to let you know that I've been experiencing super slow internet speeds with the DumaOS.  I have Verizon Fios 1 gig fiber optic both down and up.  I'm only hitting a little over 200 mbps on both down and up.  Even when I shut the Anti Bufferbloat up it doesn't help.  First set both sliders to 100 percent, then shut it off completely, and I'm still only hitting a little over 200.  Anyone know what the problem could be?  Thanks

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Because the hardware is limited, 200mbps is the max you can get on the R1 with every feature enabled. 

If you disable QoS you shouldn’t get nearer 500-700. To do this, open the options on the anti-Bufferbloat panel. Select to disabled QoS and proceed at the warning message. 

This should give you full speeds. 

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