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host no shows up as a large circle


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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi dookers,


If you're on .4 or .5, please don't worry. You may also experience a slightly worse gameplay experience. It will be resolved soon in .6

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Just today the host stopped showing up as a large circle. I didn't notice this topic yet and was wondering if anyone else has this problem. Please advise.


Yes i've noticed this also while joining a game and then you can't check the ping graph. Maybe 1 out of 10 games....?

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Thanks for the reply. Eagerly awaiting update .6


Hey Dookers, there is a thread where Iain asked for remote testers to get early access.  You have to post in the thread and then he puts you on the early release test list if you are interested.





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Getting this today and I'm running 6. The no host deal or host showing outside Geo.

me to 1

Getting this today and I'm running 6. The no host deal or host showing outside Geo.

so since last update i have this same thing
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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi Teh and lukasz,


If you are on the latest version and you don't see a big circle. Then if all the circles are large you are the host. If the circles are still small then you are on a dedicated server. I think in .7 I'll start displaying dedicated servers like normal players so there is less confusion.


Remember to keep strict mode on and use the new snap button. If you need help using it let me know please. 

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Hi Teh and lukasz,


If you are on the latest version and you don't see a big circle. Then if all the circles are large you are the host. If the circles are still small then you are on a dedicated server. I think in .7 I'll start displaying dedicated servers like normal players so there is less confusion.


Remember to keep strict mode on and use the new snap button. If you need help using it let me know please.


i should use snap button only if i can get to a game in strickt mode right?
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Guest Netduma_Iain

Yes that is correct, so snap and search if search is still taking a long time press the snap button again. Keep doing that till you find the right size that gets you good quality games but in a quick time. 

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I used the snap feature for the first time yesterday, just to test it. I had no problem getting games however. There seems to be a lot of gamers in the Midwest (US)

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OK so I enable strict and that automatically sets my Geo? Then if it don't find a game I hit the snap till it does? All the while I do not mess with Geo settings while on strict and using snap? Also a little confused about the circles. If all circles are big I'm host and if no circles are big I'm on a dedicated server?

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Guest Netduma_Iain



Also a little confused about the circles. If all circles are big I'm host and if no circles are big I'm on a dedicated server? 



With strict mode the idea is set it as low as you want. Honestly I think people are putting it too low, I'd say anything below 1000km is amazing BUT its your choice. If you are not getting a game though use the "snap" button and it will increase your size. You should start getting games, however if you're not use the snap again till your happy. If you're not getting games with a huge snap please let us know :)

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I can set mine to 323km and get games all day long with no problem before you added strict and snap. I would get booted a few before bit that's not even happening now. Only thing weird I see is it always puts me in a game mid way through and I have have to play through that game and then just stay in that lobby.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Thats probably because your joining servers already in game, where as before you'd only get players so the game would have to be at the start. So I assume the way its behaving now is more normal. 

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Mine is the opposite, I have been using strict with filter set at 500 km and have no prob getting games. Some are in progress as well, but it's no biggy. Just glad I can play local hosts with solid connections!

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