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contradiction site wiki et site support netduma

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Bonjour a tous.


je recherchai des informations sur le cloud setting et j'ai trouvé une contradiction entre le wiki et le site support netduma :


sur le site http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=cloud_settings :

Enable auto cloud

Enabling this means you'll receive our latest cloud updates automatically with out having to do anything on the router. You should see improvements to the Geo-filter with this option. We highly recommend using this option with Bleeding edge disabled.


sur le site http://support.netduma.com/support/solutions/articles/16000028153-cloud-settings :


Enable Auto CloudEnabling this means you'll receive our latest cloud updates automatically without having to do anything on the router. You should see improvements to the Geo-Filter with this option. These are the "stable" versions of the cloud. We highly recommend using this option with Bleeding edge enabled.



quel site dit vrai, es t’il préférable de l'activer ou de le désactiver?


merci d'avance.


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Salut Freddy - nous recommandons 'activé'! Cela vous obtient la dernière version,
Le wiki est un ancien site, c'est pourquoi c'est différent. Nous le laissons en ligne car certaines personnes le trouvent sur Google.




Hi Freddy - we recommend 'enabled'! This gets you the latest version,


The wiki is an old site which is why it is different. We leave it online as some people find it from Google. 

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