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Xbox not showing up in device manager or geofilter

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  • Netduma Staff

Hi Liloffshore, welcome to the forums :)


Could you first of all confirm that it is defiantly connected to the Netduma. Are you connecting via wire or wireless? Is it possible that it is still connecting to your old wireless network?


Please can you confirm the above. If it is definitely connected can your provide a little but more information such as if the Xbox has an internet connection, how it is connected, if other devices are showing up etc. Thank you :)

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  • Netduma Staff

I am connected to the Internet on my xbox. MY PC SHOWS UP ON DEVICE MANAGER


Is this issue resolved as I've seen you posting other questions which suggest it is? If it isn't can you restart the Netduma and see if it shows up then.

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  • Administrators

Not resolved. The filter shows up but it doesn't populate with players when I connect to a lobby on AW.


Please make sure you use Google Chrome as other browsers are not fully supported and cause issues. Also please make sure you follow this http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=latest_cloudand tick bleeding edge. 

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