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Allow and Deny Working?

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I've notice that I have been connecting to several host that I have rated behind the red curtain in the allow and deny.  Am I suppose to rate it all the way down to block the host? 


Also, does giving a host a high rating and putting in behind the green curtain influence the games matchmaking?  For instance if I have a highly rated host of 90 and mediocre host of 70 available is the game going to give me the host I've rated highly?  I'm guessing it doesn't do that, but i just thought I'd ask.


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Guest Netduma Fraser

What symbol appears when you connect to these hosts that youve rated? Are you sure you definitely have them blocked and the red curtain is covering them? No you do not need to rate it all the way down as long as it is low enough to be covered by the red curtain. Could you please post a screenshot of your Allow & Deny, the Host and the Geo-filter when you connect to this host. 


No it does not. Allowing a host ensures that you can always connect to that host, regardless if it is located outside your Geo-filter. 

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What symbol appears when you connect to these hosts that youve rated? Are you sure you definitely have them blocked and the red curtain is covering them? No you do not need to rate it all the way down as long as it is low enough to be covered by the red curtain. Could you please post a screenshot of your Allow & Deny, the Host and the Geo-filter when you connect to this host. 


No it does not. Allowing a host ensures that you can always connect to that host, regardless if it is located outside your Geo-filter. 

As soon as it happens again I'll post some screen shots, I can't recreate the circumstance right now because of the lobby booting.

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Guest Netduma Fraser

As soon as it happens again I'll post some screen shots, I can't recreate the circumstance right now because of the lobby booting.


Okay gotcha, let me know when you can and we can sort it out :)

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Wrathoftank I suspect you maybe see'ing the anti-cheat feature. For any filtering to occur you must disconnect from a player for over 2 mins. We do this so people can't use the geo-filter or "Allow n Deny" to boot players out of the game.


So next time you put someone in the deny list. Leave them for over 2 mins till there circle/square goes off the map. Then try reconnect to them and you'll see a red X on the map.


Finally the lobby booting issue is cause you're on the latest version. This version will propagate the configs soon. We are going through some stepping stones with a final destination of a much better geo-filter. I'm literally working on automating the server right now. I could manually do it, but that will slow us down in the long run. So if you can bare with us for just a couple days max you'll see a very big difference. However if its making it unplayable you can

  1. Increase the geo-filter slightly
  2. Disable the geo-filter
  3. PM me and I'll personally remote access your router and add a manual config

Hope that helps

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Wrathoftank I suspect you maybe see'ing the anti-cheat feature. For any filtering to occur you must disconnect from a player for over 2 mins. We do this so people can't use the geo-filter or "Allow n Deny" to boot players out of the game.


So next time you put someone in the deny list. Leave them for over 2 mins till there circle/square goes off the map. Then try reconnect to them and you'll see a red X on the map.


Finally the lobby booting issue is cause you're on the latest version. This version will propagate the configs soon. We are going through some stepping stones with a final destination of a much better geo-filter. I'm literally working on automating the server right now. I could manually do it, but that will slow us down in the long run. So if you can bare with us for just a couple days max you'll see a very big difference. However if its making it unplayable you can

  1. Increase the geo-filter slightly
  2. Disable the geo-filter
  3. PM me and I'll personally remote access your router and add a manual config

Hope that helps

Iain, no worries, I knew there was going to be some lobby booting issues with my current version, I don't get booted when I expand the geofilter.  I was just mentioning the booting so Fraser knew I couldn't replicate the issue currently.  Also, you are probably correct that it is your anti cheat measure.  Should they still show up as a red X though?  I'm yet to see a red X on my geofilter.

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Iain, no worries, I knew there was going to be some lobby booting issues with my current version, I don't get booted when I expand the geofilter.  I was just mentioning the booting so Fraser knew I couldn't replicate the issue currently.  Also, you are probably correct that it is your anti cheat measure.  Should they still show up as a red X though?  I'm yet to see a red X on my geofilter.


Once you have completely disconnected from the host for 2 mins and it is no longer showing on the map then the next time you attempted to connect to that same host a red X would appear. However, if you are still connected at the time of blocking it you will still see it as a circle.

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  • 1 month later...


I'm waiting 2 mins to stop connecting to this same dedicated server because it's a horrible one but it keeps connecting me to it I moved my home to Hawaii south American I'm in mid texas and no matter what it'll connect me to it what is going on can we update to block bad dedicated servers 

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I'm connecting outside my range strict mode on to the same dedicated server no matter how long I wait can we update to block bad dedicated servers it's ruining my game play I've moved it from mid texas to Hawaii south America still it'll bounce me to this crappy circle 


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When I lower my ping assist to 0 I'm not getting into any games so I raise it just a little and I'm thrown on a bad dedi not even in my range is something going on diff now



Want to disable PA


Easy one first, if you want to disable PA then setting to zero does that (which you had already tried).


For first point, if you are connecting to a dedicated server outside your geo-filter could be a couple of things:


- Which firmware version are you currently on?

- Is strict mode ticked when searching?

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Guest Netduma Fraser

When I lower my ping assist to 0 I'm not getting into any games so I raise it just a little and I'm thrown on a bad dedi not even in my range is something going on diff now


Ping assist will get you a game regardless if it is outside your geo-filter or as long the host is lower than the ping you set. However if you are not getting good hosts using PA you can turn it off and disable it by putting it to 0 like buds said. What is your PA set to currently? :)

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