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R1 continually resets profile to General Gaming

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Hello All,


I have noticed recently that my R1 will reset my profile to General Gaming after a short time, no matter what profile I have loaded previously.  Other profiles load successfully and work for that short period of time.  TBH I have not taken an actual measurement of time but in my best guess would say 2-3 minutes.  Any ideas or help is greatly appreciated.



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Sounds legit, but when I check the Misc. page certain Tick boxes have changed.  i.e. I have a "Full Internet" profile that allows my connected computer to use the full bandwidth that I can possibly have (300/20Mbps).  When I check back General Gaming is displayed and Super Turbo is  unticked and my speed test show only about (60/10Mbps), which is the norm in that setting for me.  I probably should screen shot a few different pages to see what else changes but there is a definite change in speeds.  

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Hey Fraser!  I'm the big doof here.  I forgot I had to do a reset a few weeks ago and did not configure the Full Internet setting correctly.  Just fixed everything and you were right.  The Misc settings stayed correct for my "Full Internet setup.  Sorry for any confusion and Thanks!

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