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Preemptive Question


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Is preemptive not viable for downloads cause I noticed that when I download on my laptop it always comes up short or some bs entirely that stops the download entirely on it


Hi Demonic - unless you set your Anti-flood sliders to 0% this problem will not be caused by Anti-flood. It sounds like this could be a problem with your laptop but just to make sure - in Device Prioritisation, is share excess checked for Download?

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Yes but even with it unchecked and most bandwidth to my laptop for the long downloads it just happens as I said it I wanna say... 7/10 it'll full download what im downloading but every now and then it doesn't 

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Yes but even with it unchecked and most bandwidth to my laptop for the long downloads it just happens as I said it I wanna say... 7/10 it'll full download what im downloading but every now and then it doesn't 


I can't see how the Netduma would be causing this because of how the QoS is designed. It would never allow a download to begin and then 'stop' it during it.


It's more likely to be a server issue with the place you are downloading from, or perhaps a problem with your internet line. Sorry I can't be more helpful

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