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Host migration bug, or is it just me?

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Hi all,


not sure if this is happening only to me but occasionally when I am host and the game demands for a host migration the game gets stuck on the 100% data transfer to a new host page and doesn't want to move. I have to exit and restart the game. This didn't happen before the Netduma. Maybe there is some conflict from the Netduma geofilter when switching from me to another host?



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yeah thats what I thought, but then it's a bug cos it can happen to anyone?


just to update, I checked explicitly and when it switches to hosts inside my geofilter range it works fine. So it makes sense that the netduma is blocking the migration to hosts outiside the range.. but then the game crashes for everyone in the game i think. 


I have no intelligent suggestion on a fix.

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unfortunately I think the only fix would be to disable entire geo-filter once in game. We could try write an algo to detect in game mode. But if its rare its probably not worth it. 

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