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What exactly does Preemptive and Enable deep pack processing do?


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I know packet processing I assume throttles the shit outta the bandwith cause I have 150 down & with that enabled its nowhere close to that down speed at all and Preemptive Ive always been curious about it all I know is that its recommended for gaming but I kinda want a better input about what it exactly does does it also throttle as well or what?

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Deep packet processing is required for the host analysis feature. This means we can classify if you're playing a specific PC game and show you different network statistics other than your ping. Most do not use this feature and is likely out of date by now while we work on DumaOS. 


Preemptive is an algorithm that we developed to combat network congestion/queuing. Whereas reactive is based on fq_codel. As far as I understand they work on mitigating queues in different ways.

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So basically both options are a way of throttling say if one didn't wanna do the 70/70 advice then? I know it doesn't effect upload but having both options ticked or even one of em does a hard throttle and you use alot less of your bandwidth than you should be using right?

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If you did 70/70 then preemptive and reactive would work in different ways to mitigate queuing, different ways of going about it but would achieve the same result. You can only choose one or the other not both. They both throttle to create enough headroom to prevent your connection being saturated.

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What about if you running bandwidth on seperate devices with share access unticked still even then? Also does preemtive still work like a charm even though you have turbo mode on with alot of bandwidth cause I could swear I read something when I first got the Duma that turbo & Preemptive was bad together or something like that 

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