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More package loss and ping while using netduma router (pingplotter)

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Hello users,


I bought the Netduma router because I thought it would improve my connection in FIFA. Since I've been using the Netduma router, the button delay and lag have been dramatic. I've opened all the ports but the game is hardly playable when I use the Netduma router. I've made some screenshots from "PINGPLOTTER" with the Netduma Router, and without the netduma router. If you guys could help me out with this, it would be greatly appreciated.




With Netduma Router: https://gyazo.com/6f019aaf8425a4f14314f9cfd8ba1ef3

(Bad laggy gameplay with input-delay)


Without Netduma Router: https://gyazo.com/dc904b5118d8494f2c8ccc52a97dc295

(noticable input delay)



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Hey, welcome to the forum!


You've done both tests at very different times of day so it's possible that will be affecting the test. However, can you change the ethernet cable connecting the Netduma to your hub and try the test again please.

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